Too hyper for my own good

May 23, 2003 02:19

I just got back from kareoke. It was really slow tonight (I sang waay too much) until about midnight and then everyone showed up and it got LOUD! I had to leave, too many people talking with their volume set to "drunk". Ryan even showed up on his off night and so he and I sang Paradise. His band is one of the opening bands for Coldplay when they're in town, which is a HUGE deal. I'm really thrilled that his band is doing as well as they are. They deserve it.
...and on the way home, I think I figured out a way to sing Joplin's "Piece of My Heart". I could hit everything on the recording except her scream. Well, if I inhale while screaming it seems to come out sounding nearly the same as hers. (This is based off the "Inward Singing" theory, thanks to Tenacious D) I'm kinda thrilled...maybe I'll even get the balls to do that song the next time I kareoke now. Of course singing that song over and over again in the car on the way home did NOT help my vocal chords... I'm going to be one hurting puppy tomorrow, that's for sure.

....Man I need to calm down and get to sleep!

janis joplin, karaoke

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