Jul 31, 2002 00:14

Well, The Roughcuts (a.k.a. my softball team that I play on from work) finished with a perfect season tonight - we didn't win one game! Go us! Really, it wasn't too embarrassing...we all had a good time (though methinks most of the gang was in it for the beer).
Tonight will go down in my history books as the night I got goosed by the Broncos official mascot! Believe me, I feel honored beyond belief. And how did this come about...I'll tell you...because I'm bored....and...I've got nothing better to do with my time...::sigh::
We were playing the Denver Broncos Media team (ranked best in the league, mind you), and since it was the last game, the team decided to bring along the Broncos mascot, which is a horse costume with a Broncos jersey. Well, after much parading and hugging kids, etc. The horse decides that since our team sucked so much, he was going to start playing. The guy ran around the field for an inning, attempting to play (granted, he was doing just about as well as the rest of us). And in the process, gooses the entire outfield. So that's my story. Damn horse... Ah well, our team went and hung out at a nearby bar and thankfully, we're better at NTN Trivia than we are at softball, so that made up for it...and the fact that one of the owners of the company plays on the team, so the food and drinks were paid for.

More advancements in the apartment-looking phase. A girl that I work with is renting out a house for $400 a month. I'm going to go during lunch and see where this place is. She says it's 15 minutes from work, but I looked online and it looks a lot farther than that. We'll see. It might be a little too far east for me, but for $400 a month, it might be worth it. The other catches to the house would be that I'd be living with two other guys who I don't know and Jamala would have to be on a long tether when outside because they don't have a fence...or a partial one or something. I called Roxxy's apartments, but they're a little high ($680) and I want to try to get something out of suburbia, or at least out of my neighborhood a little more. Hopefully, Candace and I will go down around Denver tomorrow and look around.
I figured out the two songs I'm going to sing in the music competition. And thanks to Scott, I managed to find the band that sings one of the songs. You don't know how long this had been bothering me because I couldn't get the information from the ass-hole...I mean person who I copied the CD from in the first place (Simms...shudder), so I've been looking for years for the band's name. I'm going to sing a Capercaille tune, and then Shul a Ruin (that is definitely not spelled right, but I don't' really care right now).
Nicole came home from World Youth Day in Canada today! I'm happy. I missed her. It's going to be hard once she goes to MT for college, because I won't have a person I can just say at 3 AM, "wanna go drive?". :(
Whew....I wrote a lot....

celtic festivals, home, work, sister

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