I had a terrible nightmare last night. It involved Renee's Ford Contour. She was leaving on a 6+ month vacation over winter and was going to leave here car with me for safe keeping. I removed the battery to keep it indoors on a trickle charger. The battery terminals came loose from the wires which were comically complex and I was trying to find a
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kittenA bit over a week ago a kitten showed up outside my house. It was very whiny and hungry and scared of people. I managed to catch it enough times that it finally got used to me and my dad. We have been feeding it and petting it a lot. It is now almost entirely tame. I decided to be unimaginative and name it Ralph. My dad disagrees but has yet
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10 PRINT "Ahh jesus i have 60 mutual lj friends" 20 PRINT "None of them are girls that want to have sex with me it seems." 30 PRINT "This post is why"; 40 PRINT "this post is why"; 50 GOTO 40