Aug 08, 2007 15:42
I hear that there will be a power outage coming up.
I'm not sure but I think it is tomorrow morning from 6 to 8am.
Someone correct me if they know more accurate times or if I'm just imagining things.
Socorro Electric Cooperative will be taking a power outage on Thursday August
9th from 6:30 AM to 8:30AM to switch New Mexico Tech over to a new substation.
Due to this outage TCC will need to shut down the computer rooms in Jones
Annex, MSEC, and Workman from 5PM August 8th to approximately 9AM August 9th.
Specific rooms affected are Jones Annex 101, MSEC 101, MSEC 103, MSEC 105,
MSEC187, and Workman 101.
Also, the modem pool will be down on August 9th from 6AM - 9AM