Breakfast menu

Mar 16, 2009 12:00

Order is important, do the eggs last - they're the part of the dish that's worst cold, but get the water boiling right at the start (you use it for the hollandaise too).

Red onion jam
Heat a tablespoon of oil, with about half a tablespoon of brown sugar
Add 2 chopped red onions (I use quarter rings), cook on medium heat until quite soft (about 10 mins)
Remove and put in a bowl

Garlic mushrooms
Reuse the onion pan.
Add a lump of butter (maybe 25g) and a little oil and heat on medium-high.
Add 8 quartered mushrooms and 2 teaspoons of crushed garlic (or two finely chopped cloves).
Cook until very brown, about 5 mins.

Hollandaise sauce
You already have a pot of boiling water, turn it down to a low simmer.
Now, put about 25g of butter in a thin metal bowl or saucepan, and put it over the boiling water (make sure the base isn't touching the water).
Once melted, add two teaspoons of balsamic vinegar, 1 teaspoon of whole-grain mustard and stir.
Add one egg yolk, begin whisking fairly vigorously. If the eggs are thickening too quickly, take it off the heat and whisk faster, or put the base of the bowl in cold water to slow it down.

Hot buttered toast
Put some toast on. Or muffins.
Butter them. Or not.

Poached eggs
Boil a pot of water (size isn't important, but with a small pot just do two eggs at a time)
Add salt, and about 2 tablespoons of vinegar
Start the water spinning (like starting a whirlpool)
Break two eggs in, and give the water a bit more of a spin (this keeps the eggs together, giving the traditional look of poached eggs)
Cook them until done to your liking. For whites fully cooked but yolks just slightly cooked, this will be 40 to 60 seconds.
Lift an egg out with a slotted spoon and poke it with your finger. After cooking them a few times you'll be able to tell exactly how cooked an egg is by doing this. If it wobbles a lot cook it a little longer, there's probably still raw egg white in there.

Remove the eggs from the pot, drain them in the spoon, then place on the toast. Crack some pepper and salt over the egg.
Spoon a little hollandaise over each egg.
Serve with onion jam, mushrooms and fresh coffee.

Macadamia coffeeWell, you know how you like your coffee, this is how I do mine (entirely without electrical appliances, which is fun).
Grind up your favourite coffee beans (I am using Golden Cobra right now).
Almost boil some water, magically turn the ground coffee into liquid coffee (I use an Aeropress:
Froth some soy milk, using one of those plunger-style dealies.
Put some macadamia syrup in each cup, pour half of the coffee into each, add frothed soy milk, stir.
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