THEME - favourite recipes: bacon spaghetti

May 01, 2006 09:52

My mum often used to make this for me + siblings. I think it was a recipe she got from a friend at a 'gourmet restaurant' (remember this was back in the 80's!) and she modified it so us kids would eat it. It never had a name until I decided to cook it in my year 6 cooking class's Italian themed week and mum just called it Bacon Spaghetti. Quick, easy and tasty!

I make enough for 2 serves - one for now and one to reheat for lunch tomorrow.

first up, cook 2 serves of pasta. I like to use egg fettucine, or sometimes spinach fettucine.

Then cook 2 chopped rashers of bacon*, 1 diced onion and a clove or 2 of crushed garlic in a little olive oil in a frypan. Pour in half can of diced/crushed tomatoes** and about 1/4 cup cream***.

Add cooked pasta and stir****. Serve with a little shaved parmesan and black pepper on top.

*can subtitute pancetta, ham, bbq chicken etc. Mushrooms would also be a good addition, or subtitute for the meat for a vegetarian variation.

**Mum always used a can of condensed tomato soup (kid-friendly, no lumps or seeds to complain about). Leftover pasta sauce is another option.

***evaporated skim milk can lower the fat content.

****sometimes I add herbs, sometimes not.

tomatoes, favourites, italian, pasta, bacon, theme

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