Sep 19, 2016 06:19
Update on the life of bill anzalone! (im durnk forgive me)
Well, I live in Nashua now, in royal crest in a 2 bedroom apartment with bri now. We are on our own. Things are tight sometimes, but for the most part we live comfortably. This is because she is an RN and makes the bacon. As for myself? I'm a direct care worker in a residential group home for people iwth developmental disabilities for the state of Massachusetts. That means I wipe asses and get bit and restrain special needs people. The money is about as good as when i was debt collection, but the benefits are why i do it. Health is groat, dental and vision, but they are also paying for my school. Yup! After years of talking about it, I'm in college again! I'm in a human services degree program right now, and it's going well. Did 2 classes my first semester, and got A's in both. Now I'm trying 3 classes, but it's noticeably harder. I have faith i can do it though. Bri is kind of stressing over her job and school, and the added stress of not being a rich kid anymore I feel is getting to her. I do my best to try to ease her into it, cooking and cleaning etc, but sometimes i feel like she is taking my kindness for granted. She probably is, but at the same time she didn't lived the life i lead, so I understand that she isn't going to have the same fortitude that I do. But she has more fortitude in other ways. I respect the fuck out of her job and how she's stuck with it.
we recently went through a bit of a rough patch, but then spent 3 nights in a yurt in the woods of Maine. I know she was kind of just OK with it, but for me it was one of the greatest 4 days of my life. I sometimes tell her now is the happiest time of my life, and I'm honestly sincere in it. I feel bad though, I feel like this is one of the most challenging times of her life, and for me it's the happiest. But I also have faith that she can persevere and wait for me to get my degree and I can make the bacon too.
We have a cat and a dog. The cat is name Prince Charming and he's a Maine coon and fat as fuck like me. (and bri but i love it on her :p) A newcomer, Koromaru, is a Puggle puppy we got from a shelter. Bri didn't like him at first but I think he's growing on her. He's pretty awesome to me though, and I love him. My car is still chugging along, even though there's a giant dent in my car door because I flipped some dude off cutting me off in traffic and he followed me into a parking lot and kicked my door in. That sucked.
My job is stressful some days, we have people who are nuisances and who use negative attention as a substitute for any attention. That sucks, Sometimes I'm playing catch and bringing them to the store though,and that's cool. I think I'm a very good fit for the job, I have patience and street smarts and know how to deal with awkward situations. There's plenty of them when I take the individuals (that's what we call them) out into the community.
I even have more of a social life than I ever have had. My friend Steve from high school and I have reconnected and we hang out around once a week. It's very nice to have and I feel like he gets me, and my idiosyncrasies.
I don't play street fighter as much but maybe that's for the best.
Until next time! I hope I can make an even more positive entry! (jinxed myself oh god )