Geekish contentment...

May 29, 2011 18:26

... is curling up on the couch, cross-stitching a piece that says "Han Shot First", watching Raiders of the Lost Ark.

In the past week, I have started a liquid diet, endured that time of the month, worked three all-nighters and three double-digit-hour days, fought with insurance, had ALL my blood drawn for labwork, bathed three dogs, gotten wintercompanion Summer/Winter Holidays prompts emailed out for participants to select, made potato salad, taught my brother to make broccoli salad and black bean salad, and fallen over.

A week off for surgery is starting to sound like a vacation.

It's all starting to sink in, that this is really happening. I'm excited, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little widgy right now. The good news is, I am surrounded by people who are incredibly supportive. It's been a challenge to teach myself that when someone says, "I love you and I am so happy this is happening for you," that they mean it - that they met me as I am and love me now, and are happy because they think this means good things. Somewhere along the way, I started getting frustrated with people being HAPPY for me - and then had, thankfully, a moment where I realized that this was DUMB. I realized that what I was hearing was "yeah, we like you okay now, but we will love you more when you are not a fatty" - and I know my friends better than to attribute something like that to any one of them ( or you).

So I am nervous, and excited, and mostly, really ready for a NAP. :D
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