For some reason, I ALWAYS get called for jury duty. It happened three times in STL, and now has happened in CO. I am going to see if I can get out of it b/c I am still nursing S. I don't think they will let me, but I am hoping they will at least have a room I can go to a couple of times during the day to pump. If not, I no longer have any qualms about pumping in public, so watch out judges!! (On my trip to NO last week, I had no choice but to pump in the crowded gate area of the airport, and a few times on the plane... it was not as awkward as I thought it would be, thanks to my
Hooter Hider and a battery pack).
I have been looking into this issue a bit tonight. Only a handful of states have laws exempting nursing mothers from jury duty, or even allowing them to postpone jury duty. Even if someone is caring for someone else full-time (an elderly parent, a child, a disabled spouse), they can't get out of jury duty in most states. How ridiculous is that?? For all the talk in this country of "family values", the government seems to give a great, big F*** You to families.