... with a sore throat and hardly any preparation, as announced:
Well, quite well, actually. My backing vocals were rather, shall we say, throaty [note: no baritone joke at the word "throat"], and my poor Russian Soprano friend (and yes, she's called Anna) was suffering due to that-time-of-the-month-ness, but did okay under the circumstances. Okay still means beautiful, powerful voice, but slightly strained at times. Church audience reliably responsive as always, and somehow we got three rounds of applause for two pieces of music. In a church service. And just to spoil me some more, we even got flowers from Preacherman. Not that I think this appropriate, but it really soothed my hurt ego. *smooches preacherman*
Today's was a walk in the park anyway, lots of sacro pop as we call it in German, with added bonus of sweet Catholic Preacherman (no smooches, though) and my dear T. the Professional Catholic (who's still the coolest Catholic I know) and a picnic outside. My those students, they're all so young.
Möp, it's Monday tomorrow. Je ne veux pas travailler. And I'm afraid one of my old ladies might not be there anymore.
Next time, Big Fat Picspam and some Very Amusing Animal Videos.
There, you didn't think I could really leave out the Baritone?
Things I'd have loved to say, cont.: "I gave you names last week, sir.
Schweinebackenbariton was one of the nicer ones.
I liked ah cane, ah traditore, ceffo di basilisco, alle forche! a lot more."
Becauzzzz I found my USB cable. Be very much afraid.