(no subject)

Sep 13, 2008 00:13

Ah. Ahahah. Forget that last ranty post. Problem solved. Yappy humbled. Punishment for stupidity already suffered (all those hours!!!).

And now a gigantic fanfare to my saviour. yakalskovich, I love you!!

Youtube, I have some catching up to do!

And now for the rest of the news: German bigwig corporation CEOs, go shoot yourself to the moon already! I don't want the sodding Deutsche Bank to take over the Postbank! At least the Bahn didn't get through with their stupid service charge. Even though, for some obscure reason, Ackermann was praised all over the place while Mehdorn got a totally deserved bashing, both of these items have in common that they don't even try to hide the fact they want to cut back on employment.

But what's really good is that I can find a BBC article and link there in no time at all. :-)
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