Sep 12, 2008 22:48
O Internet, what have I done to you that you treat me thus? Namely, pretend I'm on a 14.4 modem instead of the luvverly DSL I'm used to? *weeps*
It took me about seven reloads plus timeout messages to even log into LJ, my mail and what have you. A one minute youtube video takes twenty minutes to load and then it stops somewhere halfway through. Server error, timeout, all that jazz, everywhere I look. The computer itself seems a bit slowed down to, but that's really Nothing compared to this.
So okay it has been slightly slow-going for a few days now. I already de-installed the dubious programmes I suspected of being behind this, to no effect. I checked the CPU via the task manager, which moves betweeen 8% and 37%, so no problem there. I virus-scanned, defragmented, cleanupped, niente. Then I googled (that's including several attempts to load the respective result pages, of course) and decided, okay, try this ominous registry booster programme - it did get mixed reviews, but it might be able to help me. Now how to download a sodding 1.6 MB at 3 KB per minute, and stalling all the time? Read a book, cook a meal, etc. And then it said "download failed". I'm currently trying once more.
No idea if this will even get posted or strangle itself. Or how I'm supposed to shift big fat pdfs, mp3s and sheet music around. Which I'm supposed to do, like, yesterday.
It's not that I can't cope without the net for a day. But then I'd prefer to spend that day out in the sun, and voluntarily. What I can't cope with is cruel and unnecessary waiting for nothing.
Oh okay, my download just crashed again. At a sensational 5%, claiming it can't read the source file. WTF?
Wish me luck. Telepathically or something.