Pirates of the Carribean Fandom

Jun 26, 2007 12:27

I just discovered the PotC LJ fandom XD I knew it was there, of course, but this is the first time I've really looked at it. Someone had posted a Pirates fic in
marysues, so I decided to check it out. Several things I've discovered already:

That one-eyed pirate that was my personal favorite? The character's name is Ragetti, the actor's is Mackenzie Crooke (and I thought Mackenzie was a girl's name...), and he really does look good cleaned up. I always knew...

Appearantly, there exists chibi art for Davy Jones. *doesn't knew whether to squee or shudder*

Elizabeth's oriental dress is really popular.

So is Will's "Pirate Captain" look.

Hmm, now I want to check FFnet and see if there are any good new stories since last I visited. I wonder if that Ask a Pirate fic has been updated...

Oh! And I also bought a PotC music book. I can't play piano, but maybe I could get my sister to...


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