X-Men the Original Series

Feb 25, 2010 17:19

This probably should have come a long time ago, but oh well...

Watching this series online was the first real  in-depth experience I'd had with the franchise, and when I finished with that I moved on to the comics and the second animated series. The cartoon as a whole is pretty well done, and includes a number of major storylines from the comics, as well as a cast of colorful characters. Here's my take on this iteration of the core team:

Professor X:
I know he has to deal with evil mutants trying to conquer the world and all, but doesn't he always have to be so stiff? Then again, flashbacks seem to imply he was always that way...He also seems to have a problem with trusting the team at times, hiding information from them because he doesn't think they can handle it. He always has the best intentions, but still...

Scott Summers / Cyclops:
Sort of like a younger Professor X. It's no wonder he's been made the field leader of the team, and he takes his duties very seriously. But though he acts confident and commanding in battle, afterwards he finds himself wondering if he made the right choices. He needs to learn to delegate..

Jean Grey (her code name in the comics is "Marvel Girl", but she doesn't use one in the cartoon):
Probably the most "normal" of the group, and gets along pretty well with everyone. She's Scott's love interest and ....that's about it. Oh, she thinks of Professor X as a mentor, and has a slight relationship with Logan, but otherwise she doesn't have a strong presence. At least the Phoenix storyline gives her some well-needed personality and zest...

Logan / Wolverine:
Yes, he he's strong, brave, and experienced. But I'm still not sure /why/ this character is so popular. It seems every other episode introduces one of his old enemies or girlfriends....Not that he's a bad character, and the times when he shows a bit of a gentler side are nice. There's just something about him that doesn't quite do it for me - maybe it's the hair?

Ororo / Storm:
Strong and confident, but still mature and compassionate. I think I'd get along well with her. She's a solid member of the team, and keeps the others in line. But make sure you don't push her too far; she's scary when she's angry...

Hank McCoy / Beast:
Being a furry blue mutant is tough, but he tries to make the best of it. He's smart with a big vocabulary and a quick wit, but he's generally not arrogant about it, and is instead genuinly warm and sensible. He has his downer moments, but always finds a way to work through them.

Remy / Gambit:
He's a smooth talker, a snazzy dresser (real men aren't afraid to wear pink!), fancies himself a ladies' man, acts cool and confident, uses a staff and likes explosions. Hmm, he sort of reminds me of Reno.... ^^ Sure, he's a bit over-the-top, but he's fun to watch.

Rogue (I can't remember her actual name right now - does the cartoon even mention it? >>):
Comes off as a bit dark and moody, but with her past and powers, it's understandable. Interestingly, she's always upset about how she can't get close to anyone, but often spurns Gambit's advances when he tries to bridge the gap...

Jubilation Lee (Jubilee):
The series starts when she joins the group. She's basically a typical teen who just happens to be a mutant, and it shows. Because of her inexperience she gets left behind for a lot of missions, which she isn't pleased with >> But she's a basically optimistic person, and it's nice to have someone around who isn't angsting or brooding all the time...

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