On X-Men Evolution

Feb 21, 2010 22:02

The second X-men animated series is noticably different from the original in several ways. First, most of the characters are teenagers, and rather than actually "attend" Professor Xavier's school full-time, they live there but go to the local high school. It's sort of the the typical "High School Students by Day, Superheroes by Night" set up. Though they seem to spend more time dealing with relationships and schoolwork than fighting crime....but if you don't mind that, it's not that bad. One of the things I wished there was more of in the original series was personal struggles and developments of relationships, so in that at least the second series does it better.

It's also a much shorter and condensed series - after two days I'm already almost halfway through watching. It doesn't really leave room for multi-episode arcs, but they do manage to fit in a surprising number of characters, including ones like Shadowcat and Ice Man who weren't in the original. The X-Men team itself is larger and keeps changing, and I admit - watching a new character leave their old life behind and start a new one as an X-Man is compelling enough that I don't mind seeing it repeated.

Speaking of character's joining, the episode 2-7 "On Angel's Wings" is my favorite so far. For once, the teen pranks and teen angst are pushed aside to allow the story to stand on its own. It's beautiful and melancholy, with perhaps the most realistic treatment of human behaviour. For a Christmas story about angels, it's surprisingly non-cheesy. X)

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