Oct 01, 2009 21:33
I started playing around 10 last night, just to "check it out". A few battles later, I looked up and it was 2 AM. It has the "one more battle" syndrome going for it: "One more battle and I'll get a bonus" "One more battle and I can buy that new armor" "One more battle and I'll have cleared the stage". The battles themselves are simple enough, but keeping track of things like BP, HP, Exp., AP, CP, DP, SP, PP, Gil, Accessories, Acomplishments, and that little walking Chocobo is a real challenge.
On another note, I really like using the ^ - button to slide around the stage and run up walls. It reminds me of the Action Commands in Kingdom Hearts. And of course, there's the way that everyone can do multiple jumps in midair...
I can see why they didn't want to use motion actors for this game..