Sims Post 4

Mar 24, 2008 15:53

 I got interrupted, but here it is. This one's a brief look back at the Trooper family.

One thing that's interesting about Sims 2 is that nothing happens in a house you're not playing. You can be gone for months IRL, but when you go to load the family, it's right where you left off! So, at the Trooper house...

Miles and Flint are still dancing!

Too bad the game doesn't have a DDR item. I bet they would love it.

There's that painting again!

Flint dozed off on the couch. Nothing strange about that, but when I looked closer...

He sleeps with his eyes open! Creepy...

Cloud plays a game of darts. I was too cheap to get them a TV, so that's pretty much all they do.

Cloud's dream: "Mmm....Zack..."

Flint's dream: "Agh! We're running out of oil! It's an economic crisis! We have to switch to mako power immediately!"

Flint: "So, do you think we should get jobs?"
Miles: "Shut up and let me play."

A little spar to keep those muscles in shape.

Believe it or not, that weird creature is Cloud. He got a job as a Mascot, so he has to wear that.

And that in the background is Cloud's coworker, who he invited home. Don't worry Cloud, just work hard and you'll get promoted to a less humiliating occupation in no time!

ffvii, sims, cc

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