Sims Post 3

Mar 24, 2008 11:52

In this one, Aerith is created, and meets some of the other Sims.

Here's my new Aerith! (the previous one got deleted along with the rest of the old CC neighborhood)

Aerith's church. Yes, that's where she lives.

Inside the church/house.

Her very first meal, and she burns it. Aerith, maybe you shouldn't eat that...


She met Flint...

They sort of got off on the wrong foot.

"I'm not listening!"

Boy, she's scary when she's mad 0-0

Flint, uh, maybe you should just leave her alone right now...

But, just when things were looking ugly, she suddenly swiched from anger to tears.

"WAAAH! He was mean to me! !_!"

Aw, there there, Aerith, it's okay...

Hey, maybe Zack can cheer you up!

She is so cute here.

"So you're Aerith?"

"Nice to meet you!"

Then she met Cloud.
"Hey, Aerith, do you think that we could- "

"Hey Aerith, got something on your dress!"

Zack, that was mean!

She fumes at him. Again, it looks like a quarrel is inevitable. But instead...

More tears!

Come on, get a grip already!

She calmed down after a bit, and then for no foreseeable reason,

she apologized to Flint for getting mad at him. But- He was the one who was being mean!

"We can still be friends, right?"

"Yeah, sure, okay."
"Really? Thanks!"

"Hey, Cloud! She wants to be friends! Maybe she /likes/ me..."
Cloud: "Teehee..."
Aerith: "Men..."

Zack and Cloud got to talking, and Aerith was feeling left out.

So, first chance she got, she pulled Zack aside in order to discuss...

...favorite foods.
"Hmm, I like eggs..."

"...but I like motor oil better."

Aerith and her awesome flower couch.

Her first meal she /didn't/ burn.

Still life with Zack and couch.

Around this point, I decided I didn't like some of the Aerith's features, and since I haven't figured out any nifty in-game cheats, the only way to fix it was to delete her and make a new one. I figured I might as well do it right away, before she has a chance to build up too much in the way of relationships. So, all following posts with Aerith will be that new version.

I hope to get my next post up soon - maybe in a few minutes!

ffvii, sims, cc

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