(no subject)

Feb 22, 2008 13:30

So, I finally moved The Sims 2 off my computer and onto the much better, newer one. Now it can actually play without lagging. I was inspired by

amanechan's Sim stories, so I decided to start some of my own. Right now, I'm playing around with Crisis Core type sims.

This first one features Aerith, Zack, and Cloud. They each live in a different house, but they visit each other.

Here's Zack...


And Cloud. I know the outfits are all wrong, but I couldn't find a First Class uniform or Aerith's blue dress, so they had to do...

Now, let's visit Aerith's church...

Outside (I know it's probably all wrong, but I didn't feel like looking up reference...)

Inside. Aerith is looking intently at that picture on the wall..
Aerith: Huh? Why is there a portrait of me?

Ok, enough of that place. Let's go see what Zack's up to.

He bobs along to the radio...

Then he went to take out the trash. Look who came to welcome him!

Aerith: Did you know, those Mako plants cause really bad pollution?
Zack: Really?
Cloud looks so emo standing off by himself XD

While Aerith got a drink (o-o) Zack tried to start a conversation. But they were all "We like Aerith better!"

Zack shows off his...interesting dance moves.
Zack: Look at those burly muscles!
Everyone: ...

Zack. You do not take a shower when guests are there.

I made him get out and be sociable.
Zack: You know, I know a guy named Cloud.
Woman: Really?
Zack: Yeah, actually, he's standing right behind you...

Then everyone left, so Zack could get some sleep.

They always look so cute when they sleep :3 Incidentally, I love that painting on the wall.

Then, he got bored of sleeping, so he got up and played with...

Paper airplane!


The plane got all crumpled up, and he couldn't play with it anymore :( So he got onto the computer instead.

He gets very intense with games.

Zack: No! Stay away from the big boulders!

Zack: Haha! High score! Beat that, Cloud! (he's playing the snowboard game...)

Then, he had to leave for work. Here he is in his army uniform.
Zack: Wha...? I thought I was wearing a uniform...

Around this point, I decided I didn't like having only one Sim in each house, so I deleted this neighborhood, and started over. This time, I gave Cloud and Zack roommates. That post'll be up soon...maybe XD

sims, cc, games, ff

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