Christmas post

Jan 09, 2008 18:46

Late, late, late, I know, but I was waiting on something to arrive.


My mom knows me too well. Five issues of Shonen Jump! She didn't even know what it was really, just noticed that it had manga in it and thought I'd like it. Naruto's quickly become one of my favs, as well as Hikaru no Go. Even if I thought Sai was a girl at first...I'm actually thinking of getting a subscription.

Along with that: an authentic Japanese manga - in Japanese! It'll take me probably years to translate, but I like having something to work on. And it has pretty pictures...

Let's see, a couple movies and CDs. We watched Pirates III on New Year's, and it was just as crazy and fun as I remember. It sounded very dramatic through our speaker system - though there was one point, during a climatic battle scene, where we heard a CRASH!! 
- and saw they had fallen off the stand and onto the floor. Broke an bulb on the tree too.

And then, there's one that didn't arrive until a couple days ago (my mom buys a lot on ebay). Myst IV and V - now I have the whole series. I started up IV and got distracted by the music and scenery. It has an ingame camera, which I'm probably going to max out.

A belated "Merry Christmas!" to anyone who's reading. 

potc, manga, myst

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