May 02, 2015 10:02
(1) Early yesterday morning, NationalGrid showed up unannounced and swapped out our (outside) electric meter. Okay, fine; we figured it was its time.
Then, yesterday's mail bore this month's bill - a CREDIT for, like, 33 dollars.
Let's see if I can figure this out. Grabbing last month's bill as well...
~Jan 20 - actual reading of 7989
Feb 20 - estimated reading of 8721 (snow 4' deep) - paid $176.43
March 23 - estimated reading of 9486 (snow 2' deep) - paid $185.86
April 27 - actual reading of 9330.
Given a rate of ~$0.242/kWh, and a change of -156 - okay, the credit makes sense. So, did the meter break, or were the estimates wildly high?
We usually use around 760 kWh/month. 9330-7989 = 1341, which is about 52 days of power, which gets us to the middle of March. By the middle of March, we were no longer bashing the side of the house to break ice dams; so I think the meter probably broke, but not from our whacking it.
(2) The house is really quiet right now - C and G are off to G's soccer game, E is taking the SATs. I am so rarely home alone - usually if the kids are occupied, I'm at work.
(3) E has finished binge-watching The Office and has started New Girl; it's a small house, and what one person is binge-watching, we're all watching. The original instantiation of Jess was very E-like, but her character has morphed a bit over the first few episodes; also, the plots have gotten very sexual, which I don't exactly mind, but which the kids find awkward to have us around for.
(4) Today: Well, it started, I guess, at 3 a.m. when G texted me from a sleepover up the street, saying she couldn't sleep and wanted to come home. So I was up to let her in, but I did fall back to sleep pretty quickly after that. Up at 6 to get E up and run her over to a nearby HS; then got G ready for soccer. Now I'm guessing I should shower, then maybe start media refs. We see Avengers 2 this evening.
Mostly I want a nap. Maybe I'll do that instead. I've been tired all week - haven't really recovered from getting back from Ohio late Monday, I guess, and then I did what had to happen to get registration open for fall soccer early Thursday AM.
Or I could take a walk. Or jog! Or go to the gym even - E and I joined one a few weeks ago, mostly so that she and G could go but I could actually go on my own...
(5) This is a really boring post, sorry! It's actually pretty interesting to live it.