2010 Omnipost

Jan 17, 2011 10:20

What I wrote, 2010 version:

The Sentinel
The Sentinel, gen, 700 words
Baby Steps, slash, 1,300 words
Time Outs and Painkillers, gen, 900 words
Chasing Sandburg, gen, 1800 words
Where the Love Is, smarm, 1600 words
That Hippy, gen, 500 words
Feeling Rough/Getting Rougher, smarm, 500 words

Sherlock Holmes
The Not-Entirely-Dry Well Incident, canonical het, ~1,600 words
The Solution, gen, 1400 words

Dr. Who
Santa Who?, gen (with Donna Noble), 500 words

Stargate Universe
What Were They Thinking?, gen, drabble
Understanding, gen (Rush and Chloe), 400 words
A Ghost’s Story, Riley/Young, 2,500 words

Stargate Atlantis
Rescue, gen, 5,000 words
You Ain’t Ever Gonna Burn My Heart Out, gen, 2,900 words

I also wrote 17 stories in five fandoms in 2009. In last year’s omnipost, I wrote General trends: Though I feel like I wrote a lot last year, particularly during the second half, nothing was very long. I'm not sure I like this; though it is satisfying to get things done and out. This year, I felt like I wasn’t getting anything done at all: I wasn’t feeling the pull to write SGA; though I was enjoying SGU as a show, I wasn’t feeling nearly as ficcy about S2 as I had about S1; I had ideas for Sherlock Holmes, but the period language is HARD; and producing my every-three-months Sentinel stories for SentinelAngst was getting to be a grind, especially since I was wanting to explore some non-gen themes.

The whole h/c bingo controversy back in June also bummed me out a bit. I’m used to smarm being misunderstood (or maybe understood completely, sigh); I didn’t think all of h/c was so feared and hated within fandom. I also hadn’t realized how much this would affect me; I mean, I’m a fairly self-confident person; I really try to keep my writing true to our species, and know when I divert, which is the best way of avoiding FAIL that I know; so why should the opinions of people who don’t know me and don’t read me matter? Still, I felt really blocked. (Oh, I should say here that of everything that came out of the debates of last June, execharmonious’s you are somebody's kink still has me thinking.)

Then November and December happened, and were good. Being work-free for five weeks gave me time to pound away at my SGA gen VS6 story; it’s far from done (too short for a VS ep; and it could be a lot more cinematic) but I feel good about the draft I’ve got. I also enjoyed writing my SentinelAngst dues, once I got going with them.

And then came Yuletide. The story I wrote (my Riley/Young SGU slash “A Ghost’s Story”) is
something I never would have written w/o the prompt I was given; but, once I decided I’d write to the prompt, it was really fun to just roll with it and try to make the fic work.

And then toward the end of December I realized that, due to travel, work, and social schedules, I would have some time for writing; and there was my h/c bingo card and one almost-complete story written for it (my Sherlock Holmes story “The Solution”) languishing, and my resentment about this… And I decided, bleep the haters, I’m going to do this. So I went on a 36-hour writing binge (that also included driving 400 miles, supervising kids at a hotel pool, some basic life and parenting things like laundry, and a New Years Eve party) and filled a row with WHATEVER THE HECK I FELT LIKE. And it was good. Three of the stories are so drippy-smarmy I can’t believe I posted them. I squeezed two more stories out of the same TS episode I’d used for my SentinelAngst dues story! And I killed Santa!!

So now I can’t wait for the next round of h/c bingo to start. ☺ Also up for 2011 - I want to get my SGA VS6 episode done; then there’s the SGA gen ficathon (I hope!); I’d like to do a little more ficcing of SGU, though who knows how that will go; and I want to make some progress on my TS WIPs, bringing my “Summer of 1999” series to some sort of closure and maybe finally finishing my Blair-saves-the-world-but-loses-his-soul fic.

year in review, yuletide, fic

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