Well, I'm finally here... there's not really much I could write about as far as the roadtrip goes that would do it justice. Four days of driving, and I don't think we ever once complained (except for not being able to find a goddamn Taco Bell in Oklahoma... fuck that state). We had a really good time, the scenery was gorgeous and always changing, and my brand new Ipod was in full force.
I took Nicole around town so she could see some of the sights, and we worked on setting up my apartment all week. We went to Ikea, but when we went to put my bed together there were no directions... then we tried to put my desk together, and all the pieces weren't there. But as everyone knows, I have an extremely high level of patience, so it wasn't a problem. Rome wasn't built in a day!
So Monday I start my internship... I met a friend there for lunch the other day and got to see the E! office again and meet some people, and I just think it's going to be so much fun. And my supervisor is hilarious... I called and told her I'd have my phone on my the other day, but she didn't get through to me and basically told me in her voicemail that I straight up lied to her, haha. And I have a couple interviews for part-time jobs this week, the common trend seems to be bookstores. Sweeeeet. :)