So I've been determined to get back to the blog. Between hobby stuff, gaming stuff, having a kid stuff and being queer stuff, there's been a lot of stuff worth writing. But, it seems that every time I have and idea, I'm either in the car or at work, and don't really have the gumption to sit down and do it. At work used to be a possibility when I had LJ access at lunch time, but now that the new job doesn't allow access to social media type sites, that avenue has been cut off.
I have still had the option of using my phone - that can still do LJ - but it then means trying to type out posts on that stupid little on screen keyboard, and with the tiny visible screen size that's just never worked for me. I've experimented with the built in voice to text, but that also didn't really work - I didn't want to just sit there and talk to myself at lunch, and I also go back to that issue of screen visibility - even when using the voice to text, I lose most of the screen.
So I ended up just not really blogging, and that wasn't an option. So I came up with another idea, one that I'm hoping will work. The other day I bought a cheapy bluetooth keyboard. It folds up and is generally portable, but gives me a mostly full size keyboard to type on. But the real thing is that it gives me the entirety of my screen to review what I'm typing. That makes it a lot easier or me to think things through. So hopefully this means that I'll be able to get back to regular blogging, rather than doing a lot of thinking but not a lot of documenting.
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