Warning, this post contains naughty words

Aug 21, 2008 07:54

Quiz Results:

Your result for The Which Brainwashed Jarhead Would You Be Test...
Sgt. Sickfuck, Recon Marine

Semper Fi you sadistic bastard, Semper fucking Fi

You are a stellar marine in that you excel at killing shit and generally not giving a fuck. You are that dude with the creepy eyes who sits in his barracks room hand-sewing his gilly suit and never gets laid. Congratulations!

Take The Which Brainwashed Jarhead Would You Be Test at HelloQuizzy

Of course, I didn't answer the questions at all seriously.

Your result for The Watchmen Personality Type Test...

You scored 68% Moral Imperatives and 56% Attitude!

You are outwardly altruistic yet neurotically obsessed.

Whether through a priveldged background or being just plain naieve, you try to act as a morally conscious individual while never fully attempting to understand the harsher sides of reality, torn between contemplating your own identity and being a good person.

Though compassionate and honourable, you suffer from an incomplete personality and your unresolved neurosis border on the egomanical leaving you in the dark.
Take The Watchmen Personality Type Test at HelloQuizzy

Err....OK. I guess there's going to be a ton of Watchmen related stuff coming between now and next year when the movie actually hits theaters. I'm very ambivilent, because while I once thought that the book was a the seminal piece of super-hero fiction, it's actually pretty derivative and somewhat dated I think. Despite that, it's still an amazing piece of art, and I do enjoy re-reading it year in and year out. I still have my original copy of the trade, with a cover that is no longer available in the marketplace.

I also just found my box-set of minatures from the old West End RPG, and if I'm not mistaken, I still have the module for the same game - yes, I had copies of the old DC Heroes games, but strangely enough, I never played them. Story of my life, lots of gaming merchandise, not much gaming.


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