(no subject)

Dec 09, 2005 20:57

i am suddenly sick, and am not thrilled to be so. i had a pretty good last week of class. well, nearly last because monday is the last day, so there's still that. there was a good discussion in my political theory class wherein i labelled myself a marxist/lennonist. groucho and john of course. it's a me being cute moment, but true. i realized during that class discussion, and one later on, that i am an idealist and probably even an optimist, something that i didn't used to think about myself. i also had a good discussion with a professor. it's hard to say what the subject was, because these sort of conversations generally become half guidance counseling and half therapy. basically, he thought that i just need to take a plunge, any plunge, even if it doesn't work out. today at work my office got to go in a limo to applebee's and eat for free because one of the guys won this thing on some radio station. it was a good time, and free at that. i don't know what's going on this weekend, very little i assume. hopefully i'll go to the movie theater sometime. anyone want to go with me? oh yeah, shit is going down in china. check it out.
if you'd like to see an interesting trailer, watch the new "marie antoinette" trailer by sofia coppola. i am not quite sure what i think of it, except that i am intrigued.
finally, here is a review of the band ELO, which i found to be particularly amusing. the reviewer is seemingly as fond for opulence in his writing as he acuses Jeff Lynne of being:
"No band better represents the pros and cons of overproduction than ELO. In an era of excess, ELO had no equal for sheer audio opulence. Singer Jeff Lynne frosted his voice in so many coatings of studio sugar that it hardly sounded natural. Singing at the helium-huffing apex of the human voice, he dusted off notes not heard since cherubs gamboled in mythological clouds. Bringing in entire symphonies for heart-fluttering arpeggios on fairy-dusted strings, the band's songs fill the air like mirage waves of sound so glossy, you can almost see your reflection in them"
i think i am just going to go to sleep soon, and hopefully be magically better tomorrow.
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