Title: Growing Up
podicus Characters: Kurt, Burt
Challenge: Challenge Thirteen - Pride
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine, unfortunately.
Notes: No spoilers (and I suck at titles.)
Kurt’s eyes were glued to the TV, and as the kid normally preferred to prance around in his mums heals and sing along to whatever musical his wife currently favoured, this was unusual.
It was the news coverage of the gay pride festival, and Kurt was entranced.
Burt took in the heels that were several sizes too big for him and the tiara on his head, and gulped.
“What you watching, kiddo?”
Kurt shrugged, turning to grin at his dad. “It’s so colourful, daddy! And they’re all really happy! I want to go."
"Maybe when you're older, kid," he thought.
It kind of became a Five Things fic over here…