Title: The Break-Up
hyperemmalawlz Characters/Pairing: Quinn/Puck, brief reference to Finn and Rachel
Challenge: #14, "Open"/#?, "Break" (what number was that?)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: To 1x13, "Sectionals"
Warnings: Sexual reference, Puck's casual offensiveness.
Yeah, maybe the friend break-up thing is cliche. And kind of queer, if you squint.
It's not like Finn knows what a cliche is anyway.
Puck offers his hand, says “We cool dude?” likes it's one of the millions of stupid, pointless things they've fought over before. It kind of is to him. Finn knows how Puck is about hot chicks, and Quinn definitely falls under that category - it sucks, but Finn could have seen it coming.
Which makes it better. Right?
Finn stares at him, eyes dead. “No.”
Puck's heart doesn't break. Not even a little.