As She Sits: (Mercedes, Kurt) PG-ish

May 12, 2010 22:28

Title: As She Sits
Author: TotalGleekGirl
Characters: Mercedes, Kurt (Kinda)
Challenge: Fear Challenge
Rating: PG-ish
Words: 100 words exactly.
Notes: Kinda dark and angsty.

Mercedes didn’t often admit to fear.

It was a useless emotion, she tried to avoid it as much as possible, and certainly never willingly put herself situations that provoked it. Then again, she did willingly come here, and she has not willingly left for several hours. She sits silently, and wonders just what the hell happened.

She’s scared.

She can in theory, stop this at anytime. All she has to do is stand up and leave. One look at Kurt though, lying so still, and she can’t bring herself to leave.

She wonders, wherever he is, if he’s scared too.

author: totalgleekgirl, challenge: fear, character: mercedes jones, character: kurt hummel

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