Title: Movie Night
Characters: Puck/Kurt
Challenge: Fear
Rating: G
Notes: No spoilers. I can't seem to write anything serious :S So here is my lighthearted interpretation :)
“Is it over? Can I look now?” A scared boy said from his position on the couch, huddled next to his boyfriend, eyes buried in a pillow.
“Yes,” the other boy lied, smirking.
He looked up.
“Liar!” he shrieked as he smacked the other boy with the pillow. The serial killer onscreen was still stabbing the cheerleader - gore galore.
The other boy just laughed, “ I never thought you would be scared of horror movies.”
“Well maybe next time when I suggest we watch a romantic comedy you’ll take up my offer!”
As another scream echoed through the speakers, Puck buried his face back into the pillow next to his chuckling boyfriend.