Title: No Fear (In Love)
lezi Characters: Kurt/Puck (Mentions Finn and Burt)
Challenge: Fear
Rating: PG
Notes: Spoilers for 1.04, "Preggers."
Quote was taken from a Bible passage.
Kurt hated clowns ever since he saw the movie poster for It.
Kurt used to run away screaming from his neighbor’s Pomeranian, Molly.
Kurt still winced whenever he smelled the putrid odor of rotting garbage.
But one thing Kurt was never, ever afraid of was love. Not when Finn turned homophobic and ranted him out in the school hallway, not when Mercedes got a boyfriend, not even when he came out to his dad. (Okay, only a little.)
His chest fluttered, clammy hands dancing nervously. He smiled up at Puck, who loomed over him. “Isn’t this when you kiss me?”