Title: The April Fools
Challenge: Spring Break
proud_artie, also known as
gigundolyCharacters: Tina, Artie, Rachel, and Kurt
Rating: PG
"Pinch me, is it really Spring Break?" Tina exclaimed. They didn't have school tomorrow because of Good Friday. And the following week made up the rest of their holiday - 10 glorious days!
"Saint Patrick's Day's for pinching," he quipped, as Tina pushed him. "April Fools' is for playing pranks. Speaking of, I didn't get slushied!"
"Slushied myself," he said, proudly. "That way they thought they already got me!"
Pushing him into the choir room, Tina stopped short of asking how that was better. Kurt and Rachel, entangled in each others' arms, froze to stare back at their gaping friends.