alike most Malaysians out there who listen to Hitz.fm, i used to only know two or three of their songs due to constant replay over the air: Stars, Meant to Live and Dare You To Move. then
stfu_stfd made me go to the concert with her early 2008, and so i went, not knowing what to expect. (thank you, by the way, leeyee. <3)
and man was i blown away or what? i rarely get moved by bands and songs that i don't truly know. and Switchfoot managed to do that and give me goosebumps, live.
people say they're gospel music, etc, but in my honest opinion, i think their music applies to everyone from all walks of life and religions- they sing about life: its ups, its downs, how to get over tough times, redemption, love. i highly recommend this band if you are going through a tough time and like catchy guitar riffs and alternative rock.
We Are One Tonight - they refused to let me embed it.
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Needle and Haystack Life
24 - especially this song: they played it here in Melbourne and the memory of everyone singing it back to them in unison still gives me goosebumps.
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Hello Hurricane - "hello hurricane, you can't silence my love."