Silver Bells of Joy and Grace (14/14)

Dec 25, 2008 12:20

Hey, everyone. It's the final chapter of the fic, and I hope that you've enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Fitting it's on Christmas Day. There's a sequel in the works, so stay tuned for that. Enjoy! Merry Whatever!

Silver Bells of Joy and Grace

By Blossomcup

Rated PG, rating subject to change in later chapters

Pairings: Drew/Greg, Ryan/Colin, Chip/Brad, Jeff/Wayne

Summary: It’s the beginning of the holiday season, and Greg has a surprise for his love. What unfolds is something that will last the test of time…

NOTE: This is wifeless AU. Reviews make my day, so please give me some feedback!

Chapter Fourteen

Though the Holidays are Over, Love will never Melt Away

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all year.” - Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

Drew and Greg agreed to put their honeymoon on hold so that Ryan and Colin could have their wedding, and even invited the pair to join them. Chip and Brad and Jeff and Wayne were also going to come (provided Jeff’s health remained steady) and finally Greg had to break the news.

“Okay Drew, do you really want to know where we’re going?” Greg asked, as they stood in the church again to see their friends get married. Drew nodded enthusiastically, looking like an eager puppy. Greg smiled. “Didn’t you tell me while we were just starting to date that you’ve always wanted to go to Italy?”

Drew’s eyes widened in shock. “You didn’t.”

“I did. We’re going to Venice.”

Drew yelled in delight and threw his arms around his lover. Greg grinned and hugged him back, giving him a peck on his cheek. Finally, Drew pulled back, but kept his arms around his husband. Greg peered into Drew’s face, finding a wide smile on his face and tears forming in his eyes. “Drew, don’t cry. It’s just a vacation.”

“No, no, it’s not that.” Drew said quietly. He looked around the chapel, a deep hot glow in his eyes. “It’s just…I still can’t believe that we’re actually married. And that our friends are going the same route. It seems too good to be true. I just worry I’m gonna wake up and be disappointed.”

Greg smiled at his lover, wondering how anyone could be so sweet. “Trust me, it’s real. Look, here are our wedding bands to prove it!” He took Drew’s hand and the rings made a clink as they came together. Drew kissed his husband. “I love you, Greg.”

“I love you too, Drew.”

The same throng as the other wedding was there, and the music began to let them all know that the grooms were about to make their entrance. Colin came out first, his arm through Wayne’s, stopping at the aisle and giving his friend a hug. Then Ryan came out with Brad, and the group took their places as what they all waited for was about to begin.

Reverend Stephen smiled into the crowd and Ryan and Colin slid their hands together, ready to become bonded souls for life.

“Dearly beloved, we are here to join together in holy matrimony, Mr. Ryan Lee Stiles, and Mr. Colin Andrew Mochrie. These men have been friends and lovers for a long time, and today, they shall make the vows to be friends and lovers for all time.”

Drew slid his hand into Greg’s, smiling as tears began to come for them looking on their friends, seeing that their friends were tearing up greatly as well. Reverend Stephen went through the same comforting words as he did for their ceremony, and then Ryan took a deep breath as he prepared to recite his vow:

“My dear, sweet Colin…” Ryan said, smiling at his lover, tears bright in his emerald green eyes. “Ever since all those years ago that we met and fell in love, I knew that I always wanted to be by your side, always wanting to gaze into those chocolate brown eyes full of love that I can’t even being to imagine.”

At that last comment, tears finally broke from Colin’s eyes and rolled down his face. “Colin, I realize now that I should’ve asked you to marry me long before this, but I was just comfortable loving you. But then this glorious holiday made me realize that I want to love you forever. I love you, Colin.”

Colin’s dimpled smile was still bright through the teardrops on his face. He squeezed his lover’s hands and began. “My darling Ryan… I’ve always loved you, ever since that day when we first met at that comedy show. What started out as a night of fun and friendship has turned into a blinding love that I know will last the test of time. You’ve always been my knight in shining armor, slaying my dragons and keeping me safe. I want to just keep being your shadow, stay by your side until you turn around and take me in your arms. I love you, Ryan.”

By now, everyone’s tears were flowing freely. Reverend Stephen asked Drew and Chip for the rings. Ryan took his and listened to Reverend Stephen speak.

“Do you Ryan, take Colin, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and be his true and faithful husband?”

Ryan’s breath caught as he slid the ring on Colin’s finger. “I do.”

“And do you Colin, take Ryan, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and be his true and faithful husband?”

Fresh tears came out of Colin’s eyes as he slid the ring on Ryan’s finger. “I do.”

Reverend Stephen smiled at the pair, speaking the words that would cement them forever. “And now, by the power that God has vested within this church and the love that these two have for each other, I pronounce you to be beloved husbands. You may kiss.”

Colin and Ryan melted into a loving kiss, wrapping their arms around each other tightly. Everyone clapped and cheered, sharing kisses with their own partners, reveling in the feeling of love that swept through the room like a warm gentle wind.

They went to the reception and danced the night away, pouring the wine and champagne and having a wonderful time. The group met up with Reverend Stephen. “Thank you so much, it was a beautiful ceremony.” Colin said. Stephen smiled. “I’m glad to see you both happy.”

“If you don’t mind my asking, how come you did the ceremony? I don’t find too many religious leaders eager to marry two men.” Brad asked. Stephen smiled as a man came over and put an arm around his waist. “That reminds me, I forgot to introduce you all. This is my husband, Jon.”

Everyone’s eyes widened as they realized that the Reverend had married a man himself. Jon waved at the group with a smile. They smiled back. “Pleasure to meet you, Jon.”

It was eight o’clock in the evening, Christmas Eve. Chip had stoked a fire in the fireplace and Brad was bringing in a tray of hot chocolate. Chip took one from him with a kiss and reached for a package. Brad went to get his. They agreed to open their presents that night so that they could have the entire day to themselves tomorrow.

“Merry Christmas, Brad.” Chip said, his smile shy as he handed Brad the gift. Brad smiled and neatly tore the paper to reveal a nice gold chain. “Chip, it’s beautiful.” Brad said in awe, letting it slide through his fingers. “Would you?” Chip fastened the clasp around his neck and shared a kiss with his boyfriend.

“I hope that jewelry wasn’t too much, I didn’t want you to think we were moving too fast.” Chip said, uncertain. Brad smiled and took his hand. “No, it’s perfect. We’ve already known each other for a long time, it’s just now that we’ve seen what was there.”

He brought out the long box and handed it to Chip. “Merry Christmas.” Chip eagerly opened the box and gasped as he saw the coat, pulling it out and holding it against himself. “That coat I wanted from the magazine! How?”

“I got it for you and kept it a surprise.” Chip slipped into it, it was a perfect fit and it was nice and warm. He looked stunning in it as well. “Do you like it?”

“I love it.” He sat down and kissed Brad again. “And I love you.” Brad smiled, his face glowing with the firelight. “I love you too.”

“Merry Christmas, Brad.”

“Merry Christmas, Chip.”

Jeff and Wayne were cuddling on the couch, Angel snugly between them. Jeff brought out a tiny box, handing it to Wayne. “Oh, Jeff, you shouldn’t have.”

“I know. But I wanted to.” Wayne opened it up to reveal a tiny pendant on a chain. Wayne smiled. “It’s a teddy bear.” Jeff helped fasten the clasp around his neck. “I thought you’d like it.” He kissed his lover and smiled as Wayne handed him a gift of his own, an envelope.

Jeff opened it to reveal a pair of tickets. He gasped. “Oh my God! Tickets to Wicked! How did you know I wanted to go?”

“Jeff, I’m not an idiot, I saw you drooling over the poster.” Wayne said, grinning. “I thought I’d surprise you with tickets.”

“Thank you, Wayne, this is really great.” They shared a kiss and Jeff snuggled against his lover. They just held each other for a bit, then Wayne hear Jeff mutter, “Love?”



Wayne knew that Jeff wasn’t talking about the tickets, and he held his lover tighter. “You’re welcome.”

“Merry Christmas, Wayne.”

“Merry Christmas, Jeff.”

Ryan and Colin were in their bedroom, cuddling close under the covers, acting like lovesick newlyweds. “I love you, Colin.” Ryan whispered in his ear. “I love you too, Ryan.” Colin whispered back.

Ryan gently opened the locket that still hung around Colin’s neck, listening to the music play. Colin gently touched the bracelet that was still fastened to Ryan’s wrist. “I’m so happy, Ryan.” Colin murmured.

“Me too.” Ryan closed the locket and kissed his lover deeply, crawling on top of him. “No more, Ryan, I need a rest.”

Ryan smiled. “I know, I just wanted to hold you for a bit.” Colin smiled. “Then go ahead.”

Ryan smiled and stroked Colin’s cheek with the back of his hand. “I wish we could stay like this forever.”

Colin kissed him and his ring shone in the candlelight. “We are.”

“Merry Christmas, Colin.”

“Merry Christmas, Ryan.”

Drew and Greg were sitting on their couch and Greg smiled at his lover in exasperation. “Drew, you didn’t seriously get me another present, did you?”

“Of course I did.” Greg opened the box to reveal a nice gold pocket watch on a chain. On the front was engraved the words:

For Greg,

With every tick is a beat of my heart.

Love, Drew

Greg smiled and slipped it into his pocket, hugging his lover close. “Thank you, Drew, it’s beautiful.” Greg’s face changed. “I feel bad, I didn’t get you anything.”

“Oh, trust me, Greg, you’ve already given me everything.” Drew said, still in the embrace. “All I need to make me happy is you.”

Greg smiled and snuggled closer. Christmas had come and gone, but the spirit of the season, all the love, would always remain inside of them. And when this time of year rolled around again, they would always be rejuvenated with it a thousandfold.

Right before they cuddled up and were about to drift off to sleep, Drew murmured softly.

“Merry Christmas, Greg.”

“Merry Christmas, Drew.”

And a Merry Christmas, it was.


-blossomcup, fic:silver bells of joy and grace

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