Gift Exchange

Dec 25, 2008 10:06

First thing I saw in my inbox this morning!! This is brill, thank you very very much.

Some Enchanted Evening

For Huushiitta - Merry Whatever!


Rated PG

Summary: Drew and Greg spend a night inside on Christmas Eve, with dinner, silk sheets, diamonds, and love.

Disclaimer: I do not mean to harm or slander the persons portrayed. I do not own Whose Line is it Anyway?

It was Christmas Eve, and Drew Carey was planning a surprise for his love.

The fire was lit, crackling and burning in the fireplace, making the apartment very warm and cozy despite it being close to thirty degrees outside. He was gently plating the savory delights that he had prepared - okay, it was take out - but it was unpacked with love and care.

He had ordered from a nearby Italian restaurant that his lover absolutely adored, and the apartment was filled with the savory odors of warm bread, garlic, and tomato sauce. He had carefully laid warm quilts on the couch and a bottle of fine red wine was waiting for them.

He carefully snuck his present for his lover behind one of the curtains, and just in time, for he heard a knock upon the door at just that moment. Smoothing his sweater and straightening his glasses, he opened the door to reveal a smiling bespectacled man carrying a package under his arm. Drew escorted him in and took his coat, taking the package from him and placing it on the table to be thought of later.

“Good evening, my love.” He murmured to the gentleman, taking his hands in his and rubbing them to warm them. “I was hoping you’d join me for a night of passion.”

Greg Proops smiled back at him, willing to go along. He didn’t usually go for the mushy stuff, but during the holidays, he was perfectly fine with whatever his lover had planned. “Gladly, darling.” He said, wrapping his arms around Drew and pulling him into a warm kiss. Drew reluctantly broke away from the embrace. “The food is getting cold.”

Greg turned to what was emitting the aroma and his face brightened up. “Oh, you remembered.” Greg said, coming to the table and taking a long whiff. “We had our first date at Luigi’s.” Drew nodded. He pulled out a chair for his lover and gestured. “Dopo di lei.”

Greg’s eyes widened in pleasant surprise. “What was that?”

“That was Italian for ‘after you.’” Greg smiled as he sat and Drew slid the chair in for him. Drew walked around to the other side of the table and opened the wine. He poured it into glasses and raised it in a toast. “Per il mio amore. Possiamo essere insieme.” At Greg’s look, he translated. “For my love. May we always be together.”

“When did you learn Italian?” Greg asked, clinking glasses. Drew blushed a bit. “While doing Geppetto.”

Greg reached out and took his lover’s hand. “Well, it’s certainly impressive.” He took another sip of the wine. “This is delicious.”

“Glad it is. That’s five year old merlot. Cost me a pretty penny.” Greg grinned. “You spoil me.”

“Oh, trust me, you shall be spoiled several times over tonight.” They cut into the food and started to eat. They ate basically in silence, but the warmth of their hearts swept over them, letting both know that they were content in each other’s company.

Once the small feast was devoured, Greg pushed back from his seat and grabbed his glass of wine, taking Drew’s hand and leading him over to the couch. Drew laid down and Greg settled on top of him, laying his head upon his chest. Drew gently rubbed his back and pulled the quilt over them.

Greg wanted to hear those romantic words again. “Drew, do you know any more Italian?”


“Could you speak it again?”

Drew laid his head back against the couch and began to murmur. “Il mio amore, questo e il giorno desidero dirivi che io voglio spendere la mia vita con te solo.” Drew didn’t translate, as he didn’t want Greg to know what he was saying just yet. His sentence was ‘My love, this is the day I wish to tell you that I want to spend my life with you alone.’

“Ti amo con tutto il fiato nel mio essere, e spero che fate pure.” (I love you with all the breath in my being, I hope you do as well.)

Greg simply laid there, eyes closed, listening to the words running from Drew’s mouth like a pleasant stream of water. He could’ve been saying anything, like the alphabet or even an address, but the words sounded so nice he knew that they were something remarkable.

“Sei l’unico che detiene il mio cuore.” (You are the only one who holds my heart.) Drew finished, barely above a whisper. He began to sit up and Greg moved to give him room. “Come back into the bedroom.”

“Are you moving to the night festivities already?” Greg asked, his usual snarky wit coming back to him. Drew smiled. “Not just yet. I have a surprise for you.”

He took a black silk scarf from behind the couch and tied it around Greg’s eyes, taking his glasses off first. “Kinky.” Greg said with a grin. Drew chuckled. “Nice thought, wrong intention.” He slipped Greg’s glasses into his pocket and led Greg into the bedroom. He sat him down in front of the dresser and backed away for a moment.

Greg felt his arm being pulled and shivered as something cold was fastened onto his wrist. Drew removed the blindfold and Greg’s eyes immediately went to his hand. On his wrist was a white gold bracelet lined with tiny diamonds, with the words “Per il mio amore e di vita.”

“For my love and life.” Drew translated. Greg touched it gently, in quiet awe of the gift. “I know you don’t really care for jewelry, but I thought you would like it, and you don’t have to wear it all the time if you don’t want to…” Drew began to babble, suddenly nervous when Greg didn’t speak.

“Drew, calm down.” Greg said, standing up and kissing him. “I love it, it’s beautiful. Of course I’ll wear it, it’s gorgeous.” He kissed him again. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Drew said, holding him for a few moments. He pulled back, looking like an eager puppy. “So, where’s my present?”

Greg laughed. “Sit tight, I’ll be right back.” After Greg left the room, Drew checked to make sure the other gift was still ready yet invisible. He turned to Greg as he handed him something that was unmistakably bookish. He unwrapped it to reveal something that made him nearly immobile.

“Greg…this is…”

The book that he held in his hand he had seen a million times before. It was his mother’s copy of Gone with the Wind, complete with her handwritten notes inside. “How?” He asked, looking at Greg with glassy eyes. Greg smiled softly. “I called your brother and asked him to bring it over. I knew you liked the book.”

Drew carefully laid the book on the dresser and buried Greg in a hug, overwhelmed by such a thoughtful present. “Thank you.” He murmured. Greg hugged him back. “Okay, now let’s not get all teary-eyed. I understand you had another plan for us?”

Drew smiled almost devilishly, getting back to the matter at hand. He pulled back the comforter on the bed to reveal black silk sheets. Greg gaped in shock. “Drew Carey! How much were these sheets?”

Drew laughed. “Greg, do you know how much I made this season? This was pocket change. Besides, I wanted the black, wanted to see you up against them, your skin more soft, your eyes a deeper hue…oh, God, I’m getting hot.”

“Then why don’t we do something about that?” Greg murmured, beginning to slip off his clothes and sliding into bed, Drew following suit, moving gently on top of his lover.

“Merry Christmas, Greg.”

“Merry Christmas, Drew.”

There wasn’t much talking after that.

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