A Day in the Line - Chapter Fifteen

Aug 03, 2010 14:05

Thanks so much everyone, for the kind praise! It feels so good to be back. :) Now, it does get a bit steamy at the beginning of the chapter, but nothing too graphic....I think. If I need to change the rating, please let me know.

A Day in the Line
By bookishlady242 AKA Taylor
Rated PG-13, rating subject to change
Pairings: Drew/Greg, Ryan/Colin, Chip/Brad, Jeff/Wayne
Summary: The gang share a house on Anderson Street, sharing days of life, love, and mindless retail jobs.
Disclaimer: I do not own Whose Line is it Anyway?, nor do I own any of the persons portrayed. I do not mean to harm or slander any of the persons in this story.

Chapter Fifteen

If You Are What You Eat, Then Call Me Fast, Cheap, and Easy

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to the other, ‘What? You too? I thought I was the only one.’” - C.S. Lewis


Ryan sat up in bed and gave a loud yawn. Colin’s eyes fluttered open and he kept his head on the pillow. The taller man leaned down, gently stroked his cheek and gave him a kiss. “Good morning.” Colin smiled. “Good morning.” Ryan’s green eyes twinkled as he settled back to gaze at him. God, I love seeing his brown eyes and dimples first thing in the morning. Just think, soon I’ll know I can wake up to this every morning of my life…

Colin blushed slightly at the gaze, which Ryan always found adorable. He rolled over on top of his lover, prompting Colin to go even redder. “Ryan, what are you doing?”

“We’ve been seeing each other long enough to know the answer to that, Col.” Ryan said, sucking on his neck. Colin panted a bit, snaking his arms out of the cover to pull him closer. Colin was still a very bashful person, and Ryan’s charm and skill in the bedroom never failed to make him weak in the knees, in a very good way. Ryan loved the way he melted in his hands, and always used that power to his advantage.

“Ryan…” Colin said regretfully, not wanting him to stop. “I…I have to be at work in an hour…”

Ryan didn’t cease his caresses, his breath hot in his lover’s ear. “Oh? You really want me to stop?”

“Ry…please…” Colin wasn’t quite sure what he was begging for at this point. Ryan grinned almost devilishly, pulling the covers off and settling over him again. “C’mon, Col, if you want me to stop, I’ll stop.”

Colin bit his lip. He needed to get ready, but he was feeling so good right now. The urgency was building, and his ability to form rational thoughts was slowly deteriorating. “I don’t want you to stop…” He finally breathed. That was all the encouragement Ryan needed, he sealed his mouth over Colin’s in a passionate kiss that took his breath away. “Ryan…”


When Colin finally came downstairs, he had a shy smile on his face as he walked out the door. He wouldn’t be too late, and it was certainly a good reason to stay in bed. Ryan didn’t have to work that day, so he had gone back to sleep.

Everyone in the house could tell what they had done that morning, not because they were loud, but because if Colin wasn’t down in the kitchen making breakfast, Ryan was in the bedroom having him for breakfast. They didn’t mind, they all knew that was the best wake up of them all.

Brad walked downstairs and took a deep breath as he put his hand on the doorknob. Maybe today won’t be as bad…maybe people will act like they have a higher IQ than a turnip…maybe today will be a normal day….and as long as I’m wishing, I’d like a pony. And with that, he was out the door, sprinting to his car so he could turn on the air conditioning.


Chip was working his usual shift at Power-Up with his co-worker; Beth. Beth was a quirky and very fun girl who knew everything about video games. Chip loved hanging out with her and playing the demos with her on slow days.

A teenage boy came in and looked around a bit before approaching the counter. “Are you guys hiring?”

“I don’t think so, sorry.”

“Oh, I assumed they were desperate. I mean, they hired a girl.”

Chip’s face hardened, but Beth didn’t even flinch. “Actually, I’ve worked here for three years.”

“Oh. Well, can I ask the manager anyway?” Mike had just come out of the backroom and Beth shrugged. “Sure, he’s over there.”

Mike stared the kid down. “Don’t even ask. You just insulted my assistant manager.”

The kid turned red and quickly fled the store. Beth grinned, high-fived Mike, and resumed playing Red Dead Redemption on the demo screen.


Sometimes at his job, Greg doubled as an operator for an emergency line. Basically routing the calls to wherever and whomever needed to hear them. However, the majority of the callers did not know what constituted an emergency. Yesterday he had to deal with a woman who had left her cell phone at the doctor’s office and they were closed on Sundays. It was very hard not to tell her where to stick the phone.

The phone rang. “This is the Ring Routers emergency line, how can I help you?”

“Hi, this is not an emergency, but it’s kind of an emergency.”

Okay, so it’s not an emergency but it’s an emergency. Got it.

“Is there a doctor on call?”

“There is a doctor on call, but only for emergencies.”

“Oh, okay. So, I have a yeast infection-“


“At least I think it’s a yeast infection.”


“I thought it could wait until Monday, but I don’t know if I can handle it.”


“So, what should I do?”


“I can’t walk into the emergency room with a yeast infection.”


“Do you think I should go to a walk-in clinic?”


“You’re not a doctor, though. You’re just an operator.”


“Well, I’ll just wait until Monday, then. Thanks anyway.”


With that, he hung up and took a cigarette break. He couldn’t believe it, but he was actually longing to go back to customers complaining about their cell phone bills than deal with things like this. Where the hell is brain bleach when you need it?


That day at the Sleepover Suites, Jeff was not working the beat on security, but rather working behind the desk as a clerk. Today he was taking reservations and answering questions, which always made Wayne breathe easier, and he enjoyed taking a break too. However, like Greg, he got some crazy people on the phone.

He was on the phone with a woman who was becoming increasingly irate, as he had been looking for close to ten minutes for her reservation and yet still couldn’t find it. It’s not in the system, not online, it appeared to be non-existent.

“I can’t believe you lost my reservation!”

“I apologize, ma’am, how did you initially make the reservation? Was it over the phone or online?”

“I called you!”

“Okay, it’s possible there may just be a typo in your name, which happens from time to time, let me check some alternate spellings.”

“I can’t believe this! I call the Westbrook Hotel, and they lose my reservation!”

“….I’m sorry, ma’am, did you say the Westbrook Hotel?”


“Ma’am, this is not the Westbrook Hotel. This is Sleepover Suites.”


“Yes, ma’am. That may be why it’s not coming up.”

“Well, can you check in their system?”

Ah, the impossible request. A favorite of every call! “I’m sorry, we’re a completely different hotel, I have no way of seeing what reservations they do or don’t have.”

“WHY NOT?! That’s outrageous!”

“They’re another company, ma’am. You’ll have to call them.”

“Well, that’s bullshit. Expect your manager to hear from me!” And with that, she hung up.

Jeff slammed the phone down with excessive force. There is only so much I can do for you, and I spent ten minutes of my precious life going above and beyond to try and fix a problem…and you called the wrong damn hotel? And then you’re going to get mad at ME for that? There are four types of homicide: Felonious, Justifiable, Excusable, and Praiseworthy. Guess which of the four yours would be.


Wayne was behind the information desk at Pageturners and he smiled as a woman walked up. “Hi, can I help you?”

“Yes, I’m looking for a specific book.”

“Okay, do you know the title?”


“Do you know the author?”


“The ISBN number?”

“The what?”

Huh, boy. “Well, what do you know about the book itself?”

“It had a black cover….and I think it was on Oprah once.” Wayne stared at her for a moment and decided to check the Oprah’s Book Club list. He walked over to a shelf and came back with a copy of The Road by Cormac McCarthy. “Is this it?”

“Yes!” She said, taking it and walking away. Wayne stood frozen for a moment, extremely surprised that he managed to find the book on such scant details. Then he smiled, feeling very proud of himself. That kind of talent should be documented on Ripley’s, if I do say so myself.


Brad’s idiot magnetism didn’t cease that day, because the human IQ had taken its leave. He was both supervising and waiting tables, and people seemed to choose that day to complain about anything and everything.

One of the waiters was helping a middle-aged couple at a table near the bar. “Hi, what can I get you?”

“I’ll have a beer and my wife will have a diet cola.”

“What kind of beer would you like, sir?”

“Just bring me whatever you like.”

The waiter poured the beer and brought it back to the table. He turned away while the man took a sip, and the man exploded. “This isn’t what I ordered! Get me your manager!”

The waiter, a little bewildered, got Brad, who came over to the table. “Is there a problem?”

“This guy brought me a beer I didn’t ask for!”

“What did you ask for? I’ll get it for you.”

“I said to bring me whatever it is he drinks.”




Brad’s co-worker Caroline didn’t fare much better. She was dealing with a patron who had come in for dinner. “So, can I get you anything else?”

“No, I’d like to make a complaint. The chicken was dirty. You didn’t wash it before cooking it. Could you take it off my bill?”

“But you still ate it?”


“You would get a discount if you sent it back, but you ate it.”

“Can I speak to your manager?”

Brad comes over, preparing himself to lose more IQ points. He basically tells him the same thing Caroline did. “So, I’ll just bring you your bill then.”

“But my friend told me if I complained, I’d get the meal free.”

“You ate the meal, so you don’t get a discount.”

“I didn’t bring any money, because I thought I wouldn’t have to pay!”

Is this kind of stupidity grounds for a mercy killing?


It was finally close to quitting time, and Brad was on the phone taking more reservations.

“Hello, this is Anderson Bar and Grill, how can I help you?”

“Yes, I’d like to book a table for three tonight.”

“No problem, we have one available, what time would you like to come in?”

“Around 1 AM.”

“Um, sir, we close at 11 PM.”

“But I want a table at 1 AM. You should stay open and wait for us.”

“Are you joking?”

“No, I am not joking. If you don’t give me a table at 1 AM, I won’t come to your restaurant!”

“Well, you can come at 1 AM, but nobody will be here.”

“Well, I’m going to come down there at 1 AM and knock until you open the door!”

“Okay…see you then, sir.” Brad hung up the phone and nearly screamed in frustration.


Chip was home waiting for Brad when he walked through the door. “Damn, sweetie, you look tired.”

“Good. I’d hate to feel this awful and have it be my little secret.” Chip put an arm around his shoulders and led him to the couch. He laid him down and pulled his shoes off, rubbing his aching feet as he closed his eyes. They stayed like that for a while before Brad smiled tiredly at him. “Thanks. You’re good to me…”

“This new supervisor thing is really getting you down. Are you sure you can handle it?”

“I talked to Karen, she said she needs me to stick with it until she can find somebody else. And we really could use the extra cash anyhow. I’ll be fine.”

Chip let the conversation stop there and helped him off the couch, leading his tired boyfriend to bed. Brad smiled as Chip undressed him, pulling down the covers and letting him get in first. Brad sighed happily as he laid his head on the soft pillow, feeling Chip slip in beside him and pull him close.

“You’re the best boyfriend ever.” He said tiredly, tracing a finger up and down his arm. Chip smiled. “I try my best. Get some sleep, Brad.”

“Love you.” Brad said, snuggling into the embrace. “Love you too.”


Drew placed his glasses on the nightstand and did the same for Greg, turning out the light and spooning in behind his lover. Greg slid his arm over his and closed his eyes. “Love you.”

“Love you too.” Drew said, still not quite sleepy yet. He was still thinking about his Mom, thinking of all the things that the doctors told him, and all the times she’d proven the doctors wrong. He was worrying all the time, every day. Worrying like this made him feel like a scared little boy again, coming to Mom when he scraped his knee or had a bad day at school.

He wanted to be near her now, see her when he was scared it would be the last time. He didn’t want to fly up there just yet, knowing he had to go to Vancouver soon for the wedding. But perhaps after that…

He sighed and gripped Greg tighter, who was already snoring soundly. He still had Greg here, that was definitely something. He closed his eyes and focused on the sound of his boyfriend’s snoring and scent of his aftershave and was able to relax enough to fall asleep.


Jeff and Wayne were still awake, lying on the bed together doing a crossword puzzle. “Across, four letters, ‘at capacity’.”

“Full.” Wayne said, while Jeff wrote it in. “Down, seven letters, ‘common entrance point’.”

“Doorway.” Jeff wrote it in and put down the pen. “How’d you get so good at crosswords?”

“I did a lot of them during college. Even wrote them for the school newspaper.” Wayne said with a grin. He picked up the pen and drew in another one.

“I was in drama club all through high school.” Jeff said. Wayne rolled his eyes. “You don’t say.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Oh, nothing, Mr. Reeves.”

That earned a playful smack from Jeff and a tackle, letting the crosswords tumble to the floor, as the other two tumbled around on their own.


Ryan and Colin were lying in bed together, Colin’s head pillowed on Ryan’s chest, gently tracing circles on his arm. Ryan was already snoring softly, but Colin was still awake, his mind elsewhere. He closed his eyes so the vision could take full effect…

“Do you, Ryan Stiles, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do.”

“And do you, Colin Mochrie, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do.”

“Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husbands. You may kiss.”

Then there was a loud surge of beautiful music through his ears, the music of all his friends cheering for them as they shared a kiss on the altar. There were stars everywhere and rose petals gently floating, not having to break the embrace for as long as they wanted.

With that, Colin truly slipped into sleep, staying in his dream world. When he woke up, he’d be disappointed, but not too much, as waking up with Ryan was the best part of the morning.

To Be Continued

-blossomcup, fic:a day in the line

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