True Feelings (the rewrite)

Nov 09, 2009 08:17

Title: True Feelings (Rewrite)
Chapter: 1/20 (that's what I'm thinking atm but it might change)
Author: Crystal
Character/Pairing(s): Brad, Greg, Omc, Wayne.... hints of Greg/Wayne(friends) and Brad/Greg(friendship) mention of Brad/Wayne
Rating: PG 13
Summary: Greg wanted to have a little vacation but when he arrived something took him into a unexpected event to where he has to make a decision of his life. Let alone that decision but Wayne has his own decision to make as well.
Authors Notes: Okay if anyone remembers my first fanfic ever "True Feelings" then kudos to you, but I have to say this lately I have been reading it over and over. I notice some things missing or better yet, it needs to be rewritten. The italics means it’s the past. This fic is set in 2008. I hope you enjoy and please let me know of what ya think about it.

With Whose Line Is It Anyway? being off air for five years, Greg has been doing stand up comedy in different cities and visit Britain once in a while to do some shows with Josie Lawrence. Since how he isn’t scheduled to do any shows for a couple weeks, he decides to take a little trip to Las Vegas for some relaxation.

As he drives along the road to vacation time, he smiles at the beautiful moonlight and stars in the nightly sky. Greg can’t help it, as he driving he remembers that Wayne Brady lives in Las Vegas a great friend Wayne was, his brain drifts back into the show that he loved being a part of for fourteen years Whose Line.

"...Greg’s girlfriend Wayne comes in to try stopping Ryan and Greg from going over the cliff" Drew said giving the scene for Hollywood Director

Greg look affectionate to the audience then took a step forward and gives a soft kiss on Wayne’s cheek as Wayne smiled then the game started. The game was going great and Greg loved doing the Gremlins though it was getting a bit freaky when Wayne through Ryan’s legs. Colin couldn’t take the scene much longer so he steps out onto the stage and gave them the next suggestion.

"Do it like you love the feel of carpet on your skin" Colin said hopeful

Then Colin went to stand by Drew’s desk as the scene took action.

Ryan goes to sit down on the floor with his legs out in front as he goes to lay his back on the carpet and makes a motorcycle sound. While Greg is on all fours crawling on the carpet then gets into sitting position for a moment as he gets to his stomach. Sexily Greg turns his body onto his back as Wayne comes crawling, on his stomach slowly, onto Greg and cuddles into him.

Greg didn’t hear Colin saying "cut" over and over because of the loud noise from the audience, nor the buzzer.

*buzzer sound*

He didn’t hear it the second time either.

*buzzer sound*

Getting suspicious he wondered why he was hearing a buzzer.

*truck horn blares*

Snapping out of the flashback, Greg startled as he sees a semi truck heading his way so he quickly pulled back into his lane. Heart beating fast as his breathing is heavy from the little fright, slowly his breathing and heart beat gets back to normal.

"Jesus. That was..." he sighs then breathes "...something else."

Taking precaution he stays focused on the road and makes sure he doesn’t get into a car accident. Though he is a bit shaken up from that experience but it fades away as he gets into Las Vegas. Soon after he enters the town he comes upon Wayne’s street so he turns down the road and up into Wayne’s driveway. Turning off the engine, Greg takes a few moments to calm his nerves down then gets out of the car and head up to the front door.

Greg waits patiently for the door to open, when it does, the first thing he sees is Brad in a Hawaiian style shirt. He wanted to ask ‘what’s he thinking when he woke up this morning’ and ‘where in the world did he get that shirt’ but he didn’t want to be rude so he kept quiet and gives a friendly smile.

"Hey man, haven’t seen you in a while." Brad said with a little grin

"Yeah. Well, I’ve been busy lately but I decided to take a little break now." Greg said with a small smile

"It’s okay Greg, I understand. We’ve all been busy ourselves, so its perfectly fine... you can come in man that way you can sit down." Brad said in a welcoming tone

Greg nods and steps inside, forgot how beautiful Wayne’s house is, he looks around and smiles at the wonderful artwork. Brad close the front door as he looks at Greg, can tell that he’s in love, with a smile and chuckles a bit "I take it that someone is liking something a lot."

Greg gives a little chuckle then looks at Brad with a smirk, "oh and what makes you say that?"

"Oh I can just see it in your eyes that you love the paintings here." Brad said smiling childish like

Greg smiles with a giggle then looks at the top of the stairs to see Wayne in a light blue tuxedo. He couldn’t believe his eyes or the day has finally come, he always dreamed of Wayne in a baby blue suit, dreaming or not he thinks that Wayne looks very sexy.

Brad looks at Greg as he shook his head and gives him a nudge. Greg looks at Brad with a glare and Brad shared a glare with him. Wayne can tell that something was going to start up if he didn’t end it right now, so he heads down the stairs and stands between them.

"Is there a problem here?" Wayne asks curiously

Brad steps back and calms down a bit, he knows that he just got a little jealous but he can’t help it. He loves Wayne so much to where he’d do anything to keep and protect him forever, he’d even die for him.

Greg looks at Brad and sees that he probably shouldn’t have came, but he wanted to visit with Wayne for a while so he kept his cool and gives a smile at them.

"No there isn’t a problem, Wayne. I didn’t mean to start anything bad, I just wanted to visit since how I’m taking a break for a couple weeks." Greg said truthful

Brad smiles at Greg and gives him a hug for forgiveness, Greg smiles and returns the hug.

Wayne smiles at them, happy to know that they’re friends, "Well, that’s good of you two being on good terms and being good friends. Look, you can stay here Greg but I have a show to do in a few minutes so I have to go now but I’ll be back in a hour."

"Thank you and okay, have fun at your show." Greg said honestly

Brad giggles with a smile, " What Greg means is good luck and we hope that someone wins that million dollars tonight."

Wayne smiles, "Thanks guys, well while you two have fun here I’ll be at the show trying to see who can remember the lyrics."

Brad smiles and gives Wayne a good luck kiss, Wayne smiles at Brad then heads out the door and head towards the studio. Greg smiles at Brad then goes over to sit down in the recliner, pulls the lever and the foot part comes out, and puts his legs up as he gets comfortable. While Brad goes to sit down on the couch and reaches for the remote then click the television on as he looks at Greg, who’s smiling happily.

"I take it that you’re loving the recliner now." Brad giggles

Greg laughs, "yeah man, I’m loving the recliner because it’s so soft and comfortable plus it doesn’t complain when I sit on it."

Brad shares a look with Greg then laugh at the statement Greg said. Brad tries to catch his breath then rubs his hand through his hair, he forgot that Greg can make him laugh like Wayne does and that he’s good looking like Wayne too. Oh man if Greg starts doing other things that remind Brad of Wayne then he’d might fall in love with Greg too, to Brad that’ll be a bad thing because he loves Wayne so he can’t fall in love with someone else can he?

Greg calms down and relaxes his head on the head rest of the recliner while he looks over at the television, slowly he falls asleep in the chair.

A hour later Wayne comes home sees Greg asleep in the recliner, not wanting to wake him up, he slowly and softly closes the front door. Brad smiles at Wayne as he stands up and heads over to him for a ‘welcome home’ hug, Wayne smiles and returns the hug.

"Did anyone win the million dollars?" Brad whispers because he didn’t want to disturb Greg

"Nope, nothing except the woman doing the robot dance but other then that it was quite entertaining." Wayne whispers with a smile and a slight giggle

"Well, at least it was entertaining and hey there’s always a next time." Brad whispers with a smile

"That’s so true." Wayne smiles and gives Brad a soft kiss

Brad smiles lovely into the kiss as he loves the moment, then slowly pulls back to look at his watch and gives a little sigh but he knew its his time for his nightly walk. Wayne notice Brad looking at his watch and when Brad looks at him so he nods as he whispers, "go ahead, I know you’ll be back in a hour like always."

Brad smiles and whispers, "okay, and yes I do... be back in a hour"

Wayne smiles and gives him a kiss, then Brad heads to the door then walks out onto the sidewalk while Wayne stands at the door and slowly closes it. Brad looks at the door and smiles then looks forward as he starts walking.

A few moments into the walk, Brad heads towards the beach and looks at the moon shining so brightly and the stars twinkling like diamonds in the sky.

"It’s a lovely night, it’s a wonderful night." Brad said in a peaceful tone

He thought it was a wonderful night but it didn’t last for long because he heard a car screech to a stop. As he turned around to look at the car, two guys completely covered in black outfits get out of the car and hold guns in their hands. Brad didn’t think anything of it at first but as they get towards him, he gulps and starts to get a bad feeling about them so he tries to walk away from them. Though they are too quick for him, they took hold of his arm and drag him towards the water.

"W-What are you g-gonna do?" Brad said in fright

They didn’t say anything, but they did lower their guns and Brad gave a sigh in relief because he thought they are going to leave him alone now or so he thought. One guy smirks as they head back to their car, lifts the gun up as he gets in and fires the gun at the same time with his partner.

The gunfire is the last thing Brad heard before he fell down onto the sand. He didn’t hear the car speed off when the police showed up at the scene.

"Please tell me that isn’t another victim." a officer said hopefully

#fan fiction, *omc, fic:true feelings, *wayne, *greg, *brad, -nikiwlkr

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