A Day in the Line - Chapter Three

Sep 26, 2009 04:13

WARNING: This chapter is rated NC-17.

Thanks for all your reviews, it's good to be back. :) BTW, I have everything also posted at my LJ just so you know.

A Day in the Line

By LadyBookish242 AKA Taylor

Rated PG-13, rating subject to change

Pairings: Drew/Greg, Ryan/Colin, Brad/Chip, Wayne/Jeff (all pairings may not be in every chapter)

Plot: The gang share a large house on Anderson street, going through days of life, love, and mindless retail jobs.

NOTE: Some of the retail scenes in this fic are inspired by true experiences by myself and acquaintances. Yes, really.

Disclaimer: I do not own the show ‘Whose Line is it Anyway?’ nor do I own any of the persons portrayed. I do not mean to slander any of the persons portrayed in the story.

Chapter Three

THEY SAVED HITLER’S BRAIN - And kept the receipt, too

“I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.” - Oscar Wilde


Brad opened his eyes in sleepy shock as the alarm went off. Chip had already smacked it to make it stop and he yawned loudly before turning over and wrapping an arm around his boyfriend. Brad joined the embrace and gave him a kiss. “Morning.”

“Morning. How’d you sleep?”

“Good until that fucking thing went off.”

Chip chuckled. “You sound a tad bitter.”

Brad sighed. “I was in the middle of a rather nice dream.” Chip felt beneath the covers and his eyes went wide. “Ah, I can tell. Who was it?”

Brad grinned. “You.”

Chip smiled and cast him a knowing glare. Brad sighed. “Okay, fine, it was you and Anderson Cooper.”

Chip laughed. “What is it with you and silver hair?” Before Brad could answer, Chip ducked beneath the covers. Brad gave a moan and thought that waking up wasn’t so bad after all…

After breakfast had been served, Colin took the car to his job at Salutations and Sandwiches, a local deli for which he was a manager. He loved to cook, and the people were very nice there, so he had a wonderful time at his job. He clocked in and put on his apron, ready to start another day.

He was fortunate enough to have bypassed the Sunday morning rush, and now it was lunchtime. He greeted his staff and then went behind the register. A young girl approached the counter and smiled. “Portabella burger, no mayo, please.” Colin smiled and went to go prepare it for her. He handed her a bag, took her bill and gave her the change.

A few moments later, the girl came back. “This isn’t what I ordered!”

Colin checked the bag. “Portabella mushrooms on a burger, what’s wrong with that?”

“I didn’t know a portabella burger would have meat in it!”

Colin’s eyebrows raised. “You thought it would just be a big mushroom?” He asked in disbelief. The girl nodded. Her friend sighed in exasperation and dragged her away. “I told you! C’mon, let’s go, I’ll eat it.”

“I can’t believe it would have meat in it, how crazy is that…” Colin heard her say as her friend dragged her out the door. Colin held his face in his palm, worried for the fate of today’s youth.

“…no, left click. LEFT click, not right click.” Greg said, his face buried in his hands. “No, the START button…” He heard his supervisor come up behind him. “Put it on mute.”

He did. “Just how long have you been on that call?”

“No idea. What day is it?”

“Transfer it to me, I’ll handle her.”

“Thanks, Josie.” Greg transferred the call and could hear Josie talk to her from her office, and having a worse time with it than he was. She handled it well, as usual. Josie was very polite and soft spoken, and never, ever lost her cool with even the most rude or stupid of callers. Greg had been in the call business for a long time, probably more than was good for him, and he had become even more jaded and cynical than he already was. But still, he had a feeling of respect for Josie for staying in the business unscathed.

Finally, Josie managed to explain to the customer how to do the simplest of tasks, and hung up the phone. “That woman was dumber than a bag of rocks!” she exclaimed.

“Oh, come on now, that’s insulting to the bag of rocks.” Greg quipped with a grin.

Wayne was straightening some of the complimentary bookmarks behind the counter at Pageturners, a bookstore and coffee shop. He loved working here; he always liked working anywhere with a large amount of books and the scent of good coffee. It reminded him of his favorite kind of day, the kind where he just got to sit back in his favorite chair, with a good novel in one hand and a hot mug in the other. And having Jeff lying with him didn’t hurt either.

He came reluctantly out of his dream of delight when a woman approached the counter. “Hello, how can I help you?”

She handed him a bag of books. “I’d like to return these.” Wayne nodded. “Okay. Can I have the receipt?”

“I don’t have the receipt.” Wayne sighed. “I’m sorry, I’m not allowed to take returns without a receipt.” Her mouth fell open indignantly. “I can’t believe you won’t just take my word!”

“I’m sorry, that’s just how things are done.”

“I’m your best customer! I’ve been shopping here for fifteen years!”

Wayne shrugged. “That’s impressive.” He glared. “We’ve only been here five years.”

The woman turned red and Wayne thought that if it was possible, steam would shoot out of her ears. “I’m never shopping here again!” And she snapped up the bag and stormed out. Wayne sighed and turned to his co-worker. “I wish she hadn’t said that.”


“Because if I know customers, saying that guarantees they will be back.”

As the day went on, the evening came, and Drew had a closing shift that night. It was twelve-thirty, and only a half hour to go. It was just him and Paul manning register. Everything that needed to be done was, and it was just another lazy night at the tills.

A young woman in a barely-fitting red tube top went over to Paul and she whispered something in his ear. He turned red and stammered, “N-no thank you.” She shrugged and walked out.

Drew grinned. “Offered you a blowjob for cigs, didn’t she?”

Paul whimpered.

Ryan got home first and checked their Tivo for what had recorded that day. He smiled widely as he noticed that Man vs. Food had taped. He loved reality food shows, and this one had proved to be his new crack. Any man who can take on this many eating challenges and not succumb to a heart attack by now deserved all the fame he could get.

He heard the door click open and recognized the face. “Hey, Drew.” Drew put his keys in the bowl on the table and turned on the kitchen light. He got a beer out of the fridge and sat next to his friend on the couch. “Oooh, is this a new one?”

“Yep. Philadelphia.”

“Sweet, hit it.”

The two watched the show together as the house stood by, quiet and still. Even with eight people sharing the same home, it was usually a calm, collected group, unless they decided to get silly once in a while. It was rather easy to pay bills when it was split eight ways, and the fact that all were friends and lovers made life very pleasant indeed.

Brad and Chip were long since asleep, Wayne usually stayed up to read while he waited for Jeff, Greg was taking a soak in the bathtub to calm down from the events of the day, and Colin had greeted Ryan upon arrival but decided to sleep rather than watch television.

After the episode was over, Drew and Ryan said goodnight and retired to their rooms. Drew took off his shoes and rubbed his eyes. He got into his pajamas and laid down on the bed just as Greg opened the door, with a towel around his waist.

Drew grinned at the sight of his lover all wet from his bath, and his hair was messy and tousled, just the way he liked it. Greg grinned back. “Enjoying the view?”

Drew nodded. “I’d enjoy it more if you’d get your ass over here.” Greg locked the door and tossed the towel off, showing off his growing erection. Drew’s eyes widened as he grinned even wider, beckoning him to the bed with a finger.

Greg crawled over his lover and captured his mouth hungrily. Drew tasted the familiar mixture of beer and smoke within his mouth, pulling him closer. Drew was already fully hard, and he was anxiously awaiting things to move forward. Greg released his mouth and slid down, pulling down his pants and boxers.

Drew moaned loudly as Greg took him in his mouth, and Greg pulled back to shush him. Sex or no sex, they had to try to at least be quiet. Drew got the hint and fought not to groan too loudly as Greg did what he did so well. He threaded his hands through his hair as his lover took him in deep.

Finally, Greg stopped and moved back up to kiss him again. “Do you want to top?”

“You can be top if you want.”

“I don’t think I have the energy to be on top tonight.” Greg said truthfully, for he really was tired, yet very willing. “Go ahead.”

Greg got on his back and lifted his legs onto Drew’s shoulders as he got the lube and a condom out of the nightstand. He slipped a finger into Greg to stretch him, and put his mouth on his to stifle the moan. “Damn, you’re tight.”

“Been a little while since I bottomed.” Greg panted. “You can get rougher if you want.”

Drew knew that Greg wanted it rougher, but he kept it slow, adding a second finger and then a third. He knew he was driving Greg crazy. “Damn it, Drew, just do it already!” Greg grunted through clenched teeth.

Drew finally took pity on him, lubing himself up and tearing open the condom wrapper with his teeth. He rolled it down expertly and positioned himself at his lover’s entrance. He kissed him again as he gently pushed in. Greg pulled back to gasp and Drew moaned. “So tight…”

Greg placed his hands on his hips, the unspoken sign that he wanted more. Drew eagerly granted it, starting to thrust. “Oh, God…” Greg panted. “I missed this.”

Drew moaned again and pushed in harder. He withdrew completely and then slammed back in, which he knew Greg loved, and it worked like a charm tonight. Greg whimpered and started shaking as he felt his prostate bumped, and he knew he was about to come. “Drew, hurry.”

Drew started pushing himself to the brink as their tongues battled for dominance, and soon they were moaning and panting with sweat pouring down their backs. Drew gave one last hard thrust and grunted as he came, Greg took his cock in hand and pumped until he joined him with a groan.

Drew pulled out and tossed the condom in the wastebasket. He took off his pajamas as he was far too hot now to keep them on. He pulled Greg into his arms as they caught their breath together. “That was…wow.”

“You said it.” Drew swallowed. “I love you, Greg.”

“Love you too.” Greg gave his lover a kiss and pulled the sheet over them. He normally went out onto the deck for a cigarette after sex, but was far too tired to even get up. Drew gently removed his glasses and set them on the nightstand, doing the same for Greg and pushing the hair out of his eyes. He gave him one last kiss and they drifted off into sleep, no more words were needed.

End of Chapter Three

-blossomcup, fic:a day in the line

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