Title: Celebrations (Part 2/4)
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ryan/Colin
It's his birthday, and he's on the road again.
Author's Notes: Yeah, I don't know. I just remembered this, too. :\ These ones are all set during the UK WL and *pauses* oh, yeah, they're three separate memories, again. And ... actually, I think that's all you need to know. Maybe. :S
He'd been sitting in the hair-and-makeup-chair, smoothing down his hair, when Greg and Ryan entered the room - and his hands had paused for a moment. "It doesn't grow back," Greg had said, sadly, and Colin had made a face at him in the mirror. "That's no way to treat the birthday boy," Ryan had interrupted, his eyes dancing, and Colin had glared at him.
Ryan had stepped up behind him, and reached down to lightly squeeze his shoulders. "Happy Birthday," he'd murmured, and Greg had asked, in surprise, "Is it your birthday?" and Colin had reluctantly nodded, and Ryan - his hands still resting on Colin's shoulders - had muttered, "He's a little shy, sometimes."
Colin had glared at him again, and a startled bark of laughter had burst out of Greg. "Well, Happy Birthday," he'd declared, and Colin had smiled, wanly. "Thanks," he'd said, awkwardly.
Ryan had ducked across the road at lunch; he'd returned with two styrofoam containers with cheeseburgers and fries. "There aren't that many options 'round here," he'd said, screwing up his face apologetically, and Colin had waved at him, dismissively. "This is fine. It's ... it's birthday food," he'd said, half-seriously, reaching for one of the boxes, surprised that he'd even managed to find semi-decent burgers, and Ryan had paused before laughing. "I guess it is. I really go all out for your birthdays, don't I, Col?" he'd grinned, slightly chagrined, and Colin had snorted. "Please. I love it."
It's his birthday, and he's on the road again.
"Happy Birthday to you," Ryan had sung, softly, in his ear, and Colin had groaned. "How'd you get in?" he'd asked, burying his face in his pillow. "Happy Birthday tooo yoooooou," he'd warbled, and Colin had reached out to push weakly at his chest. "Stop it," he'd begged, and Ryan had grabbed his hand. "Happy Birthday dear Colllllllllllllin-"
"Stop, please-"
"Happy Birthday ... tooooo ... yoooooou."
Colin had peered up from his pillow, squinting blearily at his friend. "Is that all you wanted?" he'd asked, with mock grumpiness, and Ryan had snorted. "No. Get up."
Colin had whimpered. "I wanna sleep, Ryan."
"No you don't," Ryan had insisted, tugging on his sheets. "Get up. We're going out for breakfast."
"Why so early?" Colin had yawned, as he'd actually made to sit up. "So we can still be on time for the taping," Ryan had explained, patiently. "Now come on."
"OK," Colin had said, sleepily, and Ryan had actually smiled at him.
"Wait - are you paying?" Colin had pretended to check, and Ryan had glared at him. "Do you want to eat or not?" he'd pretended to growl, and Colin had laughed, softly.
Last week, he and Brad went out to celebrate Brad's birthday; he knows that if he wanted to, he could go and announce that today's his birthday, and Brad would gladly help him celebrate.
But he's always found telling people that it's his birthday awkward; he hates feeling like he's asking for something, which is what telling Brad would basically be.
"What are you guys doing tomorrow?" Greg had asked, leaning in a little closer, and Colin had taken a sip of his drink and glanced over at Ryan. "Nothing," he'd started to say, as Ryan replied, loudly, "We're going sightseeing," he'd said, with a tiny smirk, gesturing to Colin, and Greg and Colin had both narrowed their eyes slightly. "Really," Greg had said, disbelievingly, and Colin had snorted. "Yeah, really?" he'd asked, a little doubtfully, and Ryan had smirked again. "Yes," he'd said simply, before changing the subject.
"I can't believe you've never been on one of these," Ryan had said, amazed, and Colin had peered over the side of the bus. "It's not like I have a death wish," he'd pretended to grumble, before pulling back and sliding a little closer to Ryan.
Ryan had sighed, and smiled. "You try to do something nice for someone on their birthday," he'd trailed off, and Colin had smiled back at him. "No, it is nice. Thank you," he'd replied, as he looked away from his friend.
He'd pulled his jacket a little tighter around him, and Ryan had looked down at him. "If you'd wear your scarf properly, Colin," he'd chided, in mock exasperation, and Colin had made a face at him. Ryan had reached down and undone his scarf, silently, and rewrapped it around his neck. "Then you wouldn't be so cold," he'd finally added, as he tucked the scarf ends inside Colin's jacket.
Colin had hugged himself. "I never said I was cold," he'd pouted, and Ryan had laughed and stretched his arm out along the back of the seat, behind Colin. "Where are we going?" Colin had asked, normally, and Ryan had smirked. "Well," he'd said slowly. "Firstly, we're going to go feed the ducks."
"There are ducks in England?" he'd asked, with mock incredulity, and Ryan had shrugged. "I actually don't know. Especially seeing as it's winter," he'd replied, trying to keep a straight face, and Colin had laughed a little. "Then ... then we'll have to go inside, I'm guessing, otherwise you'll freeze to death," he'd added, hugging Colin to him briefly, and Colin had smiled.
"And then?" he'd prompted, resting his head against Ryan's shoulder for a moment. "Then ... then I actually don't know," Ryan had admitted, sheepishly. "Follow our noses, I guess."