The positive and negative sides of Social Networks..... thinking FACE BOOK

Dec 17, 2009 11:03

It can be VERY addicting and exciting at the same time. I've been highjacking my wife's facebook account to SEE what many say I'm missing. Log on and in less than 5 minutes you can run a search and find people from your past- I mean people who you haven't seen since that first pimple appeared- for me, as far back to when Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. (Long lost cousins and friends)

They tell me that MySpace is history and that Facebook is where it's at. After looking at my MySpace account I'm beginning to see their point. Not much traffic there these days except for a lot of road kill and comments from people who I have no idea who they are (My fault for adding them) and then there's the people I do know who no longer comment- seemingly they have disappeared into another world....most likely into the Facebook.

I sometimes feel like I'm chasing people around the web playing a futuristic kind of hide and seek and I find myself wanting to "fit in" to whatever new venue that fits the current craze. But- it can get very time consuming and the thing that bothers and interests me at the same time is:

If people are so intent on "keeping in touch" and revealing so much about their own personal lives to a very large segment of people (In some cases the whole world) why is it that a large part of that same population hardly ever uses another bit of modern technology- the telephone? (Myself included) How bout a phone call to that special friend or relative that you haven't seen since Christ left Albany? Or how bout connecting "voice to voice" with that person that you've decided to follow on Twitter?

I'm all for "following" "friending" "Twittering" "Chatting" "Texting" "e-mailing" but for me, there's nothing like a 30 minute phone call to catch up on things....

Doesn't anyone have the time anymore to "Reach out and touch someone..." by pushing 10 numbers on a phone key pad?

With all that being said....I'm still THINKING about joining Facebook.

Ready or I come!!???
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