May 27, 2004 14:38
Its been these last couple days that I've realized my home is not silver spring or olney maryland. its towson fucking maryland. I wake up depressed and totally out of whack, and i have to deal with the same bullshit i delt with in high school. when i was at school i didnt have to broadcast to my father, mother, and stepmother separatly where i was going to be or when i was coming home. Having divorced parents also makes me fucking homeless. at both houses my rooms have become the places where all the extra shit has been thrown. I just want to go back to college and stay there forever. thats not so bad is it? I also cant stand dealing with my two sisters. first of all, my real sister, elise is getting every fucking award imaginable from paint branch high school. she's like zach morris but absurdly overachieving. It sucks to come home and get bombarded with all the 'new awards your sister has won and look at how great she is'. While i go and say 'yeah, uh i'm taking an incredibly risky career path that could lead to me living on the streets of LA.'
at college i dont have to hear how much better my sister is than me. at college i dont have to deal with my parents and their constant houndings. This place isnt home for me. i feel like a visitor and i'm treated like one.
is it september yet?
p.s. anyone wanna go see braid or the good life at the black cat in june? lemme know.