Oct 22, 2008 11:19
Good afternoon everybody,
As time goes by, and the work is progressing at Hogwarts, it is all too easy for me to forget to update you all on our progress. So I am pleased to report that the first stage of layering in the wards in the dungeons is very nearly complete. The collapsed tunnel has been rebuilt and the flood damage has been repaired. The Slytherin common room and dormitories are being redecorated, and most of the dark magic has been cleansed from the area - we hope to have the rest of that task complete by the end of the month. I have decided to leave the scars on the masonry as a fitting reminder of the evacuation and subsequent battles. I feel that we would be foolish indeed to eradicate all traces of this war.
Work progresses at a slower pace elsewhere in the school, however, we are fortunate that the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw areas suffered only minimal damage. The staircases will need to be rebuilt and recharmed before we can provide safe access to the library and classrooms.
Our main task, however, and the one I am devoting most of my time to is the Great Hall. The extensive and severe damage that was inflicted on that area is going to take a long time to put right. Very little remains of the structure of the building, and the residual dark magic has warped the nature of reality in several places. It is NOT safe, and is unlikely to become safe for a minimum of six months, even with constant rebuffering.
So, with term rapidly approaching, and BASWOTS still influenced by various brain-washing charms of its own, we have little choice but to reopen this Autumn in the Safehouses. This brings me to my next point. School term will not start on the first of September this year. I am delaying the opening by a month, to allow my staff some extra time to deal with the upheaval, and recover from their own battle-scars. I am told that Professor Snape is progressing well, and should be ready to return to his teaching post and duties as Deputy Headmaster by then. Unfortunately I cannot predict when Professor McGonagall will be well enough to return.
In the light of this, I will be placing adverts in the national papers at the end of this week for staff vacancies at Hogwarts. Some of these will be for temporary positions, some permanent. May I assume that those of you who were employed before the battle are returning this Autumn?
Here is my current list of staff, including vacancies:
Headmaster (temporary position*) - Albus Dumbledore.
Deputy Headmaster, Head of Slytherin, Master of Potions - Severus Snape.
Head of Gryffindor, Defense Against the Dark Arts - Remus Lupin.
Head of Ravenclaw, Charms - Filius Flitwick.
Head of Hufflepuff, Herbology - Pomona Sprout.
Keeper of the Keys, Care of Magical Creatures - Rubeus Hagrid.
Divination - Sibyll Trelawney.
Ancient Runes - William Weasley.
History of Magic - Cuthbert Binns.
Quidditch - Rolanda Hooch.
Muggle Studies - presumably vacant?**
Transfiguration - vacant. Temporary post.
Astronomy*** - vacant.
Arithmancy - vacant.
Head Librarian - Irma Pince.
Mediwitch - Poppy Pomfrey.
Caretaker - Argus Filch.
* Yes, this is a temporary position, I fully intend to retire this year. Given that I am also devoting a lot of my time to the rebuilding and cleansing of Hogwarts, I am unfortunately unable to cover the Transfiguration teaching post, and must offer it as a temporary vacancy.
** Professor MacMillan, I assume you are no longer intending to teach at Hogwarts, given your recent announcement?
*** Astronomy will be back on the syllabus this year.
Thank you all for your attention, please notify me of any changes that I need to make to the above list. Of course, if any of you know of anyone who might be suitable for the vacancies, or would like to apply, please let me know.