Feb 13, 2006 10:14
So I get up today, get in the shower and get dressed.. the usual beginning to a day. The thing was when I got out, Joe tells me that classes are canceled until 10:30... which promptly wiped out my class at 10 and which meant that I could have had a few more hours sleep but whatever. I went and did my office hour anyway. For the rest of the day it was a combination of catching up on all the audio updates that I've missed on pwtorch.com and studying for the many tests and projects that I have coming up. I had hw for musicianship due Tuesday... that's done. I have an exam in musicianship on Thursday that I kinda studied for... as it gets closer I'll study more in-depth. I've got an exam in MIDI on Thursday -- all basic Physics stuff but since I suck at physics, the exam isn't exactly a slam-dunk. Next Wednesday is a History of Rock exam... at least the written part of it. I don't think I have class at all this week because the teacher said that he wants us to work on this project for that week. Basically it's listen to 3 of 100 songs that he selected and outline them, what form it's in, what instruments, tempo, vocal style... that's about it. Shouldn't be a problem and it's a great way to learn about different music. The project's due the day of the exam. Plus I have basketball games with the pep band on Tues. and Thurs. and I think I'm working Friday as well so I'm gonna be pretty busy this month with studying.
Had another good weekend. USGA was only 45 minutes which was nice. I saw Saw 2 in school as well -- it's great I've seen the movie twice and haven't paid for it once; it's all been on UNH's dime. Add to the fact that I didn't have to work this Friday either so I had the place to myself. Watched Smackdown and just chilled in the room. Eileen came up this weekend but I didn't know she was staying in winchester... two floors away. She came up for a five minute visit. I had saw her at the basketball games on Thursday but didn't have enough time to chat. Saturday was more basketball games. We played better on Saturday than on Thursday... I did at least. After the games, I hadn't eaten anything so I went to Wendy's. A beer and Blockbuster run later and me and Eileen watched Napolean Dynamite and The Warriors in my room over drinks. Napolean Dynamite wasn't as bad as I thought being that I had never seen it -- one of those movies where you go, "He isn't going to do what I think he is, is he?" and then goes through with it. It was pretty good, but I probably won't see it a second time. We flirted through The Warriors though... not that that wasn't as fun either. After she left, I watched Impact and the snow fall outside. By the time I woke up the next day there was about a few inches on the ground... which meant the concert I had to play at Southern was canceled. I just stayed on my computer, played some of the games I had. Jon, Joe and I all ordered Dominos... it was the first time I ever finished a whole pie in one shot and considering I'm lactose intolerant, the fact that I'm not shitting my ass off today is a pretty good accomplishment. All in all it's been a good now four day weekend. Tomorrow starts the cycle all over again.