Wow, this is disturbing; everyone should see it.
Apparently, you don't have to wait for some distant future for your gothic dystopian anime dreams (or rather, nightmares) to come true. All you have to do to get that fun today, is just live in a few choice places.....
I'd say that the immigration rates in some of these areas has to be low, except that would be ignoring the fact that (for whatever reason) people still choose to live in these places at all. Hrrm. Unless choice really isn't an option....
9 Of The Most Polluted Places In The World Here's some highlights:
*) If you put your laundry out to dry in Linfen, China, it will turn black before finishing drying.
*) In Dzerzhinsk, Russia, people wear gas masks daily, and in 2003, the city’s death rate surpassed its birth rate by 260 percent -- all due to 300,000 tons of improperly disposed of Cold War-era chemical waste still present in the environment.
*) The Citarum River in Indonesia is essentially a massive garbage dump that people live on. Om nom nom.
*) If you spend even an hour at the Lake Karachay region in Russia, you will die of radioactive poisoning.
To me, these facts point to one conclusion -- by polluting the planet, we're not killing the Earth, we're killing ourselves. The Earth will still be there when we're gone to profit from our own self-destruction, if we continue in some of our lackluster behaviors. ;p