1. Name: Laura Elizabeth
2. Age (no one under 13, please): 19
3. Location: Upper Michigan - aka Canada...
4a. Three positive adjectives to describe yourself: caring, "rather pretty" - apparently >_O, sensitive
4b. Three negative adjectives to describe yourself: blunt, obsessive, finnicky eater
5. If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go, and why?: Japan - though I couldn't really eat anything there >_> but despite my middle school Sailor Moon obsession they have a lot of cool shit there XD aka I'm not just an stupid obsessed anime fan, "omg!!!1! Japan r0x!?!?!!11" *gags*
6. Explain the significance/meaning/origin of your username: "bluehairedthief" is based on a character in an online comic - 8 Bit Theater XD my favorite comic of my sophemore year of high school...
7. What's your favourite holiday, and why?: Thanksgiving - A) it's the only time I ever get to see the majority of my family in one place B) I can cook really well C) I generally like everything they make on Thanksgiving XD
8. Favourite three books (besides Harry Potter): Gone With the Wind, Phantom, and The Mists of Avalon
9. What is or was your favourite and or best subject in school? history/government/economics/aka social sciences
10. Why are you a HP fan? I got the first three books for Christmas, and didn't read them for the longest time until there was this big hullabaloo about the 4th one coming out, and it gave me something in common w/one of my relatives who has all of the books on tape.... they mean something to me, I can connect to them because my childhood wasn't the easiest in the beginning... and I just like them now XD
11. Which of the Harry Potter books thus far was your favourite, and why?: Prisoner of Azkaban - Sirius is in it the most and he's my favorite character.... (wow that was a lame answer XD)
12. If you could have the power to perform one spell, and only one spell, absolutely flawlessly for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? Ferula - conjures a wooden rod - I mean - it's practical, I can use it in baking, or beating somebody, or splinting broken bones, and you never know when you might need a 39 1/2 foot pole...
13. What House do you honestly think you’d end up in, and why?: Gryffindor despite my cullinary skills, I'm not scared of anything, I'm very clear thinking, in situations of high stress I'm very calm - a kid was having a seizure in one of my classes and I grabbed my purse because he was going to crush it basically saying to myself, "It's just a seizure, go to the office, and call 911" - very calm - but at the same time I can get pissed off at the littlest things... apparently it can be really funny XD
14. Are you willing to accept cross-gendered votes/stamps?: Yeah XD If I'm voted a girl, I'm going to be rather surprized - I'm very rarely a girl in rating communities...
15. Anything else we should know?: Not that I can think of.... um - these pictures are kind of old... and I'm awkward tan right now XD
16. Please post at least three clear pictures of yourself:
<- not the best - but I needed three xD