I was stamped two years ago as Lily Evans...I'm wondering if there's any change...
1. Name: Yeliah
2. Age (no one under 13, please): 21
3. Location: Dunedin, New Zealand
4a. Three positive adjectives to describe yourself: friendly, passionate, witty.
4b. Three negative adjectives to describe yourself: potty-mouthed, stubborn, procrastinating.
5. If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go,
and why?: I'm still as obsessed with Ireland as I was when I was 5 years old. It's amazing. It's where it all began for me, and it's where I want to spend heaps of my time.
6. Explain the significance/meaning/origin of your username: It's my name backwards ;)
7. What's your favourite holiday, and why?: Christmas. I don't get to see all of my family a helluva lot, so it's just a great huge party basically, with lots of food and heaps of sun (Southern Hemisphere girl, a hoy hoy)
8. Favourite three books (besides Harry Potter): "So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish" by Douglas Adams, "Tomorrow, When the War Began" by John Marsden and "The Northern Lights" by Phillip Pullman.
9. What is or was your favourite and or best subject in school? English. Or more specifically, "Media Studies". Hah.
10. If you could ask JKR one question, what would it be? I think the question that hyas been asked a hundred times over and is the most important question of all is, "YOU WONT KILL OF RON, WILL YOU?!" Ahem. /end hysteria.
11. Which of the Harry Potter books thus far was your favourite, and
why?: Azkaban. I think this is because I love the MWPP+Lily era. I loved the story of MWPP, and how loyal they were to each other - to the bitter end. It just seems such a beautiful, bitter sweet story of friendship, loyalty and passion.
13. What House do you honestly think you'd end up in, and why?: In the past I've always ended up in Gryffindor...I haven't done one in a while, though. I suppose my attributes haven't changed though, which means I'd have to still say Gryffindor
14. Are you willing to accept cross-gendered votes/stamps?: Yeah, of course.
15. Anything else we should know?: I recently moved into a flat with 8 other people so I know all about compromise! Woo! Also, I study Film at university - in my last year and hopefully abaout to graduate. Yay! Despite what the photos my show, I actually have red hair :)