Weekend update 227-230

Aug 24, 2009 10:46

227.  We had a post-Pennsic meeting of the Debatable Lands Medieval Consort. Fun playing, but still only the same three people. Looking for more people and ways to generate more interest.  At the least, we will probably try to play more live music for dance practice, since the combo seems pretty securely linked with the dancers. If you know of anyone, send them my way. Practices in CMU Porter Hall, every other Thursday, 7:30, before dance practice.

228.  This weekend was a big cleanup of the basement/garage/laundry/room under the stairs area. Plus some yardwork to red up the back yard.  Can't say that it looks much different to a disinterested observer, but the laundry area is cleaned up, and some new shelving put up, and I have a decent plan to move some stuff around to create a reasonably organized arrangment of tools and work surfaces that I can use to actually construct items out of raw materials.  (Don't say"Shop").   There's still quite a bit of work to do, most of it involving dragging heavy stuff around, but I think it's a good plan, and that space really needs a good going through. Probably end up in a yard sale sometime in the future.

229. It happened on Sunday evening rather than Thursday (or Friday or Saturday) that was the original plan, but I did get Day 2 of my pushup/Situp/Squat routine in the can. Bit of left arm & wrist pain, but it didn't end up interefering with the pushups.  I didn't get any running or figthing done, but I did find two sticks in the basement that should be useful in the sword-form training.

229. How tall is a pells supposed to be, and what thickness of carpet-sample padding should I be puting on my 4x4?

230.  Over the weekend saw The Duchess, Bedtime Stories, and Darjeeling Limited. All were pretty good, although not nearly as many Zombies as I usually prefer.
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