Jan 15, 2009 07:24
I'm begging you, folks, don't ever take this luxury for granted! Getting back online last night was like...a revelation! Any tiny morsel of information you desire, at your fingertips, in a moments notice. THANK YOU AL GORE! lol
In other computer news: I have no idea how to use my webcam and the software on HPs website didn't work. Annnnd I have no idea why after downloading Adobe Flash, I couldn't get the videos on nbc.com to work....it was just blackness. I still have a lot to learn!
I feel like I've been talking about my comp non-stop--forgive me. The excitement will wear off eventually. hehe
Hope to see you all sometime this weekend, maybe we could hang Friday night? Anybody feel like going to BJs? We could watch the game and grub!
Lemme know!