Apartment Drama Explained.

Dec 03, 2009 17:56

Here's the skinny:
We've paid our rent in Money Orders because the Building held on to our checks for too long, sometimes waiting a month to cash one so that two were cashed at once, making one bounce, and all that fun stuff.

Anyhow, when we went to court, we had all our proof of payment via money orders. We got evicted because THEY argued that proof of money order does NOT equal proof of payment since they can be canceled. The court ruled in their favor. Unsurprisingly.

Now they've NOT given us the minimum eviction notice, and are INSISTING that since it was the fault of the Sheriff's office, we still have to move out on the 7th, as opposed to the much more legal 14th.

Great leaping balls of FUCKWITTERY Batman. They're claiming we owe them $8,758.27. I think it's the twenty-seven cents that pisses me off the most, why not just round down at that point?

Three hundred and thirty of that is Sheriff's fees.

The ONLY way to call SHENANIGANS on them, is to move out, deal with the eviction for now, and when we are settled in to our new place, sue for wrongful eviction which means they'll have to open up their records either proving that:

a.) They are lying fuckwits who have been cashing the money orders but not attributing the money to our account.
b.) They are incompetent fuckwits.
c.) They are lying incompetent fuckwits.
d.) Someone in their company is stealing from them, and in that instance we still win, and they are still fuckwits.

We NEED to fight it, as this eviction has fucked our credit so fully that no place will take us without a cosigner, and we can't blame them, on paper we're 10K in debt to our former landlords. Jesus, this is a nightmare.
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