My first week of Uni

Oct 07, 2006 09:50

Wow, what an awesome week, and awesome course.

So I feel like I am definitely on the right course. My fears about not being good enough to be on the course are almost totally dispelled. I am one of the stronger pencil sketchers, and certainly one of the best pixel based artists on the course.

My semester one module break down goes like this. I have my visual studies modules. That is essentially creative drawing. We're given concepts every week like the concept of movement or happiness. Then we basically sketch, draw, paint or whatever our impression of that concept. It's quite fun. A very very chilled out module. Then there's Storyboard and narrative. Otherwise known as story writing. Everyone seems worried about this module. I think it's great! I love coming up with story lines! Then there's multimedia scripting, which is learning how to use flash, and finally introduction to video, where we'll be making a short movie. To be honest it just all sounds closer to being fun than uni work. It's awesome.

I surprised myself this week also. Maybe it's come from being on a high about being in a great course at uni (after that disaster that happened last time I went). But I have seemingly limitless social energy. I don't know where it's coming from! I am almost always one of the first to suggest answers in open questions, I have been volunteering to help the less computer savvy folks. Plus I have been being very sociable with friends making stuff, making my new friends laugh loads and loads. Woo, it's fun stuff.

Well it's a lie to say I have never been like this in the past. I have had 1-2 days social stretches before. But never a full week of endless surplus. I don't want it to end, I feel socially capable like this. It's quite nice to not feel that niggling urge that I need to go a retreat soon or else I'll burn out and get uncommunicative.

I know it won't last forever, but I'm enjoying the high while it's here.
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